.....YES: Avatar Avenger ArtistCHD AmeriAfrindian's Talented True-Up U-Turn, Universal IniVersal RealiVision vs Religions & Politics. Equalls Real-Live-Vision basically based on my Story Book Bible Blogs, better benefit blessings. Yours personally if in Spirit and in Truth you honestly help heal humanity!
SACRED SPIRITIOUS SYMBOLS = Secure Safe Secrets, are serving saved Solar Sexus Souls. As artistically actualized SOULFOOD for financial flames of fortified fortunes = $$$. Truer thoughts, pulsating impulses of truly thinking. Traveling timelessly through the paved patterned pathways, of the SPIRIT SOURCE SCIENCE SYSTEM’S SOVEREIGN SYSTREAM!!!
The adjective SACRED has 5 senses: 1. concerned with religion or religious purposes. 2. worthy of respect or dedication. 3. made or declared or believed to be holy; devoted to a deity or some religious ceremony or use. 4. worthy of religious veneration. 5. (often followed by 'to') devoted exclusively to a single use or purpose or person. Familiarity information: SACRED used as an adjective is common.
Albeit, based on the above defined meaning of the word, adjective Sacred, is not a religion. And has absolutely nothing to do with westernized White wicked witchcrafts of whip crackers! Nor has anything to do with enslaving other people of any country, nation, whatsoever. And these negative things are evils that are attachments to the tormentors, torturers, terrorist, of hatemongers, warmongers, of Europe's Greeks & Roman Catholic Church Christianity. Insanity and inhumanity!!
Something sacred is spiritual, or Spiritiousity, which is opposite and opposing to religiosity. However, the Europeanized versions has their untruth telling religious racist honky dory ideology, attached to what our ancient ancestors of Africoid Africa, respected as being spiritually sacred. And it is basically because of the Lilly Whites, dysfunctional and defective Pineal Gland that fails to generate enough of the hormonal melanin substances, that produces dark skin pigmentation--coloration. With it being basically blocked, clogged, calcified, the White man has imposed improper perspectives on that in which he can’t comprehend. Due to a lack of innate, intrinsic, inborn; SPIRITUALITY!!!
YES SEEDS SOWN SOLEMHNLY: Funky Soul Song Season. CyberJazzBluesRapP: HipP & LapP + Color Kingdom NWCA theme songs mp3. Yes it’s all about happy, healthy, holistic, heartily, humored SOULFOOD For Financially Free + Full Freedom of Artistic Expression! My expanded, excelled, elevated and enhanced, Wix Web site URL:
NOTE Dutifully and Not Vote: That many or most or the majority of the alleged Religious Leaderships, are fakers, profiteering phonies, who know how to act. Pastors, Preachers, Popes, Priests Pretending to believe in some mythological biblical history, butt, they think differently on their insides. While others lie to themselves, to the psychotic point of being psychopaths! Equals = Rationalization - Sef-deception - Gross Distortion of Reality!!!
ACTIVATED ARTISTRY: Will work well with wiser words of worldly wants and wishes. Worship worthy womanhood’s witty wisdom. And that means, specifically and strictly Love Goddess Mother Africa Earth Nature’s Matriarch Madam Maat! Her living earthly body organism, and compassionate, caring, carbon core cradle creation, of HUEMAINKIND!
AUTHENIC + AUTHORIZED ARTWORKS: Are meant to truly be a Rock Offense Stone Defense protection, Divinely Decreed Deliberation. Luxurious lucky charms, gifted good luck tokens, warding off evils, wicked disspirits, bringing the best benefit blessings to the talent tested total truth telling, persons who buy now and pay financially for fortunes fitness, and individual purchasers who wisely wish wellness. Honestly desiring healthy healing holisitically humane!
bout Me Myself I AM page: Saving Souls, Saving Kids, Children, Teenagers via Color Kingdom New World Creative Arts. http://artistchd.webstarts.com/about.html
KEY QUESTIONS ASKED: Will - Can - Could these Sacred Spiritious Symbols, serve saved pearly Pink pigmented people? Yes, if in fact they 'divest themselves of all religions', which are man made, manufactured myths! Will they automatically work well for nonwhites, as Blacks & Browns? Hell no if in fact they persist to hold onto their religious worshiping of some western European Caucasian Caucasoid concept of their “God”. A criminalized culpable mental state of fault, guilt and blame, that also blocks off and or misdirects, African Africoid Love Sensation Spirit Sublime!!!
NOBODY: Automatically receives a ritual right of passage, nor gets a Top Secret Security PASS! Each and every individual is a suspect, a suspicious person, until proven otherwise, through testing, in depth investigation, expert examination. Searched, screened, sifted and filtered from filthy finances. As a mandated must do decisively detoxify, and come completely clean cultured currently!
For primary principal example: I often hear some so called black leaders still trying to tell We’s & Us’s all about racist oppression, repression, depression, imposed by Whites. And they are more than simply just sincere, they are dishonest to themselves, internally, due to clinging to the wicked witchcrafts White’s traditional religions: Christians Christianity, Islamic Muslims, or alleged black Israelite Jews Judaism!!! Besides by the way, for the historical religious record; Hinduism was also concocted criminally by CaucAsian Caucasoids, being a British European White man's invention too!!!
HUEMAINLAW is only ONE: And is absolutely nonreligious, whatsoever, one wants to call their faiths of worshipping. Also, it do not materially matter to my mind in the least, who they might think or believe that they are, nor what schools, colleges, universities they attended or graduated from with degrees, of higher learning given or earned. Regardless of how publicly popular and prominent these talkers, intellectualizing orators, radio speakers are, among African American Blacks & Browns.
Furthermore, how upon planetary sphere earth can or could citizens, countries, societies, individual persons; LOVE THY SELF,when they don’t KNOW, themselves truthfully?! With the overwhelming majority, never learning all about the ‘Historical Origins of these religions” in which worshipping has caused criminality. Crimes committed against human beings all around our GlobalWorldNations!!!
NO EXCEPTIONS: In spite, of their revolutionary militant mindsets, fighting for “black liberation” and “black power”; “Pan-Africanists”; still serving the Whittie man’s religions, never shall successfully succeed. I'm not sorry to say and tell y'all they are part and parcel to the politicized problems of polluted poisons to solve, that unhealthy humanity has to holistically heal and currently cure. And in factual reality forced through The Ether That Be, to StopPointBlankPeriod. De-populated Too!!
YES: These truths are positively certain and correct; revealing to y’all how that the historical hatemongers. Warmongers, Islamic Muslim Asiatic Arabs and European western world wicked witchcraft Whites, never truly left continental homeland Africa. Also equals = so called Middle East which is North East Africa = Afrindica + India!!
Basically because in the very beginnings they infected the lands and populations of peoples with polluted politicized poisons. Terrorizing tissues, tormenting, torturing their citizenries. Thus through their insidious, invidious invasive interventions, interruptions and interference inside the internal affairs of these sovereign states. Taking colonizing controls over independent countries and separate nations, these terrorist thieves implanted and left their racist renegade rouge Reptilian Race Religions!!!
Never did actually retreat, nor leave out from occupying these territorial spaces and map locations upon the geographical globe. Racist whites only removed most of themselves, White citizens as physical and personal beings acting inhumane. Who were wickedness well within the African countries causing havoc, hatred, hostilities and health problems among Africoid societies. And when We’s & Us’s got sick and tired and fed up with these tissue terrorists, many militant members went ballistic. Started kicking some white butts out of Mother Africa!!!
Nevertheless, fortunately + unfortunately: True Melaninated members of Negroid - Africoid - Humanoid tribal families; failed to let go of these truer terrorists: Indubitably, being CaucAsian Caucasoid Christianity’s insanity of inhumanity!!!
Likewise, after kicking these high Yellow Asiatic Arabs back out in certain areas, by the help of the clean cultured common decent White Europeans; z-Blackxz, z-Bluexz, z-Brownxz HueMain beings, forgot and fail also, to remove racist Islamic Muslim religious worships and ghostly gossips, too!! Equaling = Supremacy Superiority Superpower Sickness Syndromes, x Sorcerers Sinister Snake Serpent SYSTEM SATAN!!!
MENTAL VIRONS = “Mind Viruses” = pathogens + psychegons + physicagons; that remained maintained mostly by meaningless members of religious faiths. Who are now today facing finalizing fatal fates!!!
Do yawls still wonder why we see so much warfare wickedness presently going on in Africa and Asia and the Americas? The constant bombing of the falsified Christian Churches, blowing up building structures as if they were the “axis of evil” co-conspirators of corrupted capitalism! And doing the very same destructive demolitions to Islamic Muslim mosques, Jewish Judaism synagogues, Hindu - Buddhist temples that are now today westernized and Europeanized. Devoid of Spiritiousity butt blatantly filled with worldly White wicked witchcrafts = Religiosity!!
Musical Metaphysical Mediums, mp3 Color Kingdom New World Creative Arts + 21st Century CyberSpaceAge CyberJazzBluesRapP; HipP & LapP!! http://artistchd.webstarts.com/
I frequently hear some wanna-be black leaders, talking over the digital radio media networks, about how the dis-United States Federal Government of America, and Europe’s leaders are planning, plotting to try and kill off billions of citizens of the public people’s populations worldwide!!! So be it!…
BUTT, believe my revealing to y’all, that a better benefit blessing belongs to The executing Ethereal eco electron energy entities exercising their essential essences in existences!!! Definition: “In the late 19th century, luminiferous aether, æther or ether, meaning light-bearing aether, was the term used to describe a medium for the propagation of light” In addition: I AM talking about astronomical actions, moving exceedingly fast speeds of reverberating rapidity, frequency wave lengths. Traveling through the Powerful Forces of The Ether That Be!!!
Operating in high holy heavenly places of Spiritualized, Solarized, Colorized Consciousness of our Conscience COSMIC CREATOR! Functioning far above and remotely beyond all earthbound governments, official leaders, whosoever, they might be?
I’m also talking truths about the Ultra-Ultimate Universal Mind of the Immaculate Imagination + Infinite Intellectual Intelligence! As I’ve envisioned being behind the well devised dimensions delivering deliberated and Divinely Decreed Justice + Judgment! And actualized Under One HUEMAINLAW!!!
Thereby, being the depopulation deposer, destroying dictators “demonocracy” democracy, devilish decision doings of committing crimes against happy, healed, healthy holistic humanity. Attempting to try and murder mass members of those of us human beings who are nonreligious, nonpolitical, and are automatically practicing primary principles of MAAT’s Love Peace & Harmony!!!
SOME BODIES JUST SIMPLY GOT TO GO: Be put down, forced to stand out of our paved patterned pathways, of the highest artistic achievement successes. Some sorry souls are predestined to bite the bullets and hit the dusty trail of defeats, destructions and deaths!!!
THE MOSQUITO SCENARIO: Ya see how that this tissue terrorizing insect, injects it toxins, into tissues. While conversely, at the very same time, this infectious insect, inflames internal issues. Implanting poisonous pollutions. As it extracts positive-productive, potent plasma substances. Sucking Spiritualized vital blood fluids from inside of the living bodily organisms, of humans and animals all alike!
ALL man made manufactured mythological mates; Racist religions retract away from fortunate fates; Regardless of which worshipping faiths or stealthy satanic slates; And intended to impose hostility hates, Concocting civil conflicts combustible debates; Keeping its warfare militarized mechanisms up to dates, And the native-natural resource energies it forcefully takes.__
Today the lost Solar Sexus Souls of Africa, and of America, are infected and afflicted with inflaming interventions, interjections, and invidiously insidious Institutionalized Religionized RACISM!
Moreover, and nobody outside of ourselves, can come and successfully save us from freedom to choose to stay stuck stupidly on toxic stuffs. The constant commercialized consumptions of soulless foods of foolish faith followers. Politicized religious worships of criminalizing capitalism, Christianized colonialism as captivating corruptions. More meaningless than any types of material matter food products one may buy insides shopping centers, grocery stores, vegetable and meat markets. We are talking about a mentality, a maintained mindset of idiotic ignoramuses!!! Read: http://artistchdrealivision.wordpress.com/. Preferably later on!
"CHICAGO (Reuters) - More than 500 people, some carrying crucifixes and pictures of religious saints, rallied in Chicago on Friday to protest a government regulation that requires employers to provide health insurance coverage for contraceptives to employees.
The regulation, which is part of President Barack Obama's healthcare reform law, has sparked a dispute between the administration and the Roman Catholic Church, which opposes artificial contraception.
Opponents of the law say the government is forcing them to support contraception and sterilization in violation of their religious beliefs. "I think this is more than a Catholic issue - this is a religious freedom issue," said Linda Duplantis, a Catholic who attended the rally in Federal Plaza. "I think it's for anybody who believes in religious freedom in this country."
Speakers at the rally included Rabbi Philip Lefkowitz, chair of the legislative committee of the Chicago Rabbinical Council, who said an attack on the freedom of one religion is "an attack on any religious faith in this country". Documented, recorded today: Saturday, June 9, 2012..3:43 pm. The Beauteous Tourist City of San Antonio, Texas tme table. Via COLOR KINGDOM NWCA: http://www.colorkingdomnwca.com/ ...
1. YES: it is our original organic Solar Sexus Soulfood, that has been, and still is being blatantly bombarded and balistically blasted, by bad bandits. Attempting to raid, rob, rape our organized-operating minds, turning us away from that in which is vitally nourishing and nutritional. Sustaining our very existences, proven healthy for centuries here on the earthly planet. And in spite of it needing to be improved, enhanced, elevated and or perfected. Therefore, completely comprehending these truths, Avatar Avenger ArtistCHD AmeriAfridian, has deified, glorified the divinely decreed dinner dishes, deliciously deliberated! Equals = effectually detoxifiied!
2. Melanin Mastermind Making Material Matter: Extracting, expelling, exorcising the devil-demonic MENTAL VIRONS = "Mind Viruses" from otherwise would be soulful food fortunately founded. Removing the meaningless, soulless prejudices which are the poisonings of the minds's memory membranes = brains. This raised the reverberating realities, cranks up the circuit currencies, cleanses culinary cuisine cooking customs and increased the vibration frequencies of food founded upon Rock Offense Stone Defense Divine Protection & Guidance!!!
“Light is the basic component from which all life originates, evolves, and is energized. Light and health are inseparable. Because we have managed to disconnect ourselves from the sources of light with our fluorescent lights, indoor lifestyles, glasses, contact lenses, sunglasses, tanning lotions, flesh foods, processed foods and even cooked vegetarian diets, many of us suffer from chronic “mal-illumination.” Like malnutrition, “mal-illumination” deprives us of a level of nutrients and rhythmic stimulation that is essential for living as fully healthy humans.”
Dr. Szent-Gyorgi, when referring to the current of sunshine sent from the sun, is referring to highly charged single electrons that are involved in transferring their energy to our own submolecular patterns without changing our molecular structure. The quantum physics model begins to validate our more intuitive model of vegetarian food as condensed sunlight which then is transferred to our human organism when we eat it. When the energy of the earth’s vegetation is transferred to us indirectly through flesh food, much of the bio-electric resonant energy patterns are destroyed. The sunlight energy is also lost if the bio-electric energy patterns of vegetarian foods are disrupted by cooking or processing.”
YES: In other plain-o-simplified words, regardless of how one chooses to look at it, eating fresh raw vegetation, is never going to transfer its Light Life Forces, to the living human bodily organism. And at some punctual point, all eaten foods loose these sunshine sensations, upon processing internally or externally, inside the body’s digestive system or outside in the heat cooking conditions. So never permit those attempting to stealthily sneak their truth mixed with untruths in on you. Glibly using science studies, to mislead you into buying some types of costly commercialized products, such as herbal tablets, pills, potions, powders, etc.. Always ‘n lovin’ faith get your vitalizing nutrient nourishing sunshine = sunlight freshly first and foremost directly!
Know that if one method or process destroys or kills “Life Forces” in meats and vegetation, through the cooking and processing patterns, then they work scientifically, physiologically, biologically, chemically all alike the very same. There’s no scientific proven proof that the human body actually absorbs what is energy stored in plant cells; dietary. Basically because, the living human body generates and produces it own cellular energies; collected from the skin being exposed to radiant rays of energy. Then through its digestive - cellular system another series of steps starts the internal inferno stove and oven burning and boiling. Caloric combustion chamber. It extracts the vita-nutrients - minerals from the fiber-plants cells. Specifically and strictly for assimilation!
BEWARE: One can not eat and then truly digest so called “Life Forces”! To claim otherwise is only assumption, conjecture, hearsay, old-wives tales passed down from family generations, and compounded by confirming pseudo science = falsified scientific studies. Money making motives of corrupt capitalist profiteers!
Howsoever, one can’t truly kill nor destroy SOLAR DEITY SUNGDO’S ENERGY!!! Use common sensibilities, and get your lazy butt up and go outside and absorb some direct sunlight of self-loving everlasting life! And meaningfully while working in your homegrown green gardens, yard, flower beds, and of colorful crops. Exerting efforts physically, exercising your native-natural humane rights! And catch - capture when ever you can, some fresh clean cultured currencies coming through electrified, energized, eco-electron rainwater. For fully financial free, forevermore freedom!
Light is Life Forces Fires Flaming Ferociously! Hot-heat has these excited energies, as opposed to cold-ice of frozen states of being. This includes, foods to eat that are hot or heated vs. cold or frozen. One that is burning, blazing, boiling hot, vibrates at the highest temperature frequencies, while the other frequencies are at their lowest ratio-rate of vibrations. And one can common sense wise say that hot food products carry currencies of energies at a higher ratio-rate than cool or cold food stuffs. Plus + heat can not kill nor destroy ENERGY; strictly due to the factual reality, it is in truth ENERGY!!!
Therefore, when we like to talk so much about “Life Forces”; then, we must clearly comprehend that this truthfully means hotness, heat generated by flaming fires, in which is sunlight, sunshine, SUNGOD!
So y’all be very careful about adopting these European Anglo-Americans “Honky” dory ideologies, idiotic ignorant idiosyncrasies. Those that are ant-Afrindian or de-Africanized. What’s good or wholesome for them, is not necessarily the same wholesome goodness for We’s & Us’s melaninated members, Africans in America as; z-blackxz, z-bluexz, z-brownxz pigmented people’s populations. Period.
Therefore, it is no strange wonder, surprising suspense, why westernized Europeanized -Americanized ‘Whites” claims cold uncooked foods, meats, esp. raw vegetables are best health foods. Butt, just because they say so, is this the total told truths? Hell no!
KNOW now, that high heat destroys harmful bacteria, injurious germs, sterilizing and sanitizing cellular membranes, inside and outside of the inflaming human body orgasmic organism. In addition to this truth, all plant life has their native-natural defense mechanisms, internal toxins, planetary poisons to protect and to defend themselves from predatory pests, insects, viruses and diseases! And when one consumes them raw, they should be very much aware that toxins are innately necessary for proper-productive plant life! Y'all later on check out: my ColorKingdom New World Creative Arts Vege-PlanTer-Rain.http://artistchd.wordpress.com./
IMPOSING & PUSHING POLITICIZED PROPAGANDA: Is exactly what “White” people are doing to nonwhite societies worldwide. Attempting to dictate dietary designs, bogusly based on their assumed new discoveries, inventions. And premised upon their faulty foundations of mis-education, school-college indoctrinations, untruthful training and wrongful scientific studies. Giving themselves high ranking honors, degrees AA, BA, MA, Ph.D, on subjects that they can not truly understand nor ever completely comprehend!!!
Furthermore, the mutated members membranes are Ancient Africoid Albinoriginals who themselves were z-Whitexz + z-Pinkxz pigmented persons. Who never were Negroid human being often seen as black shinned. They transformed, transfigured facially or superficially throughout the thousands of years in freezing cold ice ages of the Caucasus Caves, cultivating CaucAsian Caucasoid creatures. Lacking fire, hot-heat, and they are ill-illuminated. Suffering from: “Mal-illumination” = Mal-Melaination!!!
So then, I pray tell y’all to separate and segregate your mental model methods, thinking and thoughts, away from theirs. No longer permits them to impose and force their ill-illuminated wills upon Africans in America, and AmeriAfrindians all around our Global World Nations!!!
Moreover, cold uncooked foods have their proper positive places, butt, better beneficially blessed is by believing in Love Goddess Mother Africa Earth Nature’s Wealthy Womanhood Witty Wisdom. She cooks and cleans and cures, by receiving righteous radiant rays directly from High HEATXZ Hallowed Holy Heavens SUNGOD!
Likewise, wisdom intuitively and instinctively and spiritually said, hot-heated foods being eaten carries cleansing currencies, cultivating cures. Speeding up our vibration ratio-rates. And by consuming cold icy foods, liquids, fluids, water, material matter, not only slows vibration frequencies down, butt, they often stop their circulation currencies = circuits. Which are actualized “Life Forces”!!!
Divinely Decreed Deliberation, of as they say: “Black Liberation”’ as a mandated must mean, thinking and doing differently, making a meaningful True-Up U-Turn, into the exact opposite direction. Going against menacing mainstream Anglo-America, and opposing their impositions, inquisitions and inordinate indoctrinations. Contrary to what they wish or want to think and believe about We’s & Us’s, lets use our owned minds and artfully apply our bright brilliant brains!!!
The Black Jackass Uncle Toms, who are the sellout stupid stooges, yet do not necessarily know it. So y’all politely pretty please permit my teaching and training you on this key question and answer session. They are the vast numbers and overwhelming majority of African American Blacks, who has lost their truer minds, losing their truest “Life Forces” which is an activated pineal gland generator of hormonal Melanin! MASTER1 MEDIA!
SPIRITUALIZED best benefit blessing: bestowed financial free of costly charges in capital cash currencies. Needing no material matter money manufactured nor merchandised markets.
These White Supremacy Superiority Superpower Sickness Syndromes, serves satanic sorcerers who invented and concocted the UNCLETOMISM, SAMBOSIM & SELFHATISM!!!
Disinformation, wrongful education, and inordinate indoctrination, caused these conditions as culpable mental states to develop. And there were and still are economic incentives, financial rewards, monetary awards to those who earn their scholarly degrees at their westernized 'White' world wicked witchcrafts classes of invidious - insidious Institutionalized Racism!!!
‘Equal Education’ with ‘Whites’, is a detriment to ‘Blacks’! Basically because, they may be getting goodness from their Caucasian Caucasoid creations, while, African Africoid-Negroid students are receiving harmful, hurtful, injurious things and thoughts being taught; yet equably!!
SEPARATED & SEGREGATED: Is Equality. Albeit, the degrees of quality, positive attributes may be different, or even disparaging and unequal. And it is our owned individual, personal, collective responsibility, to induce needed quality and quantity into our communities, neighborhoods, schools and small businesses, all alike. Self-accountability = equals TO LOVE THY SELF!!!!
“Light is the basic component from which all life originates, evolves, and is energized. Light and health are inseparable. Because we have managed to disconnect ourselves from the sources of light with our fluorescent lights, indoor lifestyles, glasses, contact lenses, sunglasses, tanning lotions, flesh foods, processed foods and even cooked vegetarian diets, many of us suffer from chronic “mal-illumination.” Like malnutrition, “mal-illumination” deprives us of a level of nutrients and rhythmic stimulation that is essential for living as fully healthy humans.”
Dr. Szent-Gyorgi, when referring to the current of sunshine sent from the sun, is referring to highly charged single electrons that are involved in transferring their energy to our own submolecular patterns without changing our molecular structure. The quantum physics model begins to validate our more intuitive model of vegetarian food as condensed sunlight which then is transferred to our human organism when we eat it. When the energy of the earth’s vegetation is transferred to us indirectly through flesh food, much of the bio-electric resonant energy patterns are destroyed. The sunlight energy is also lost if the bio-electric energy patterns of vegetarian foods are disrupted by cooking or processing.”
YES: In other plain-o-simplified words, regardless of how one chooses to look at it, eating fresh raw vegetation, is never going to transfer its Light Life Forces, to the living human bodily organism. And at some punctual point, all eaten foods loose these sunshine sensations, upon processing internally or externally, inside the body’s digestive system or outside in the heat cooking conditions. So never permit those attempting to stealthily sneak their truth mixed with untruths in on you. Glibly using science studies, to mislead you into buying some types of costly commercialized products, such as herbal tablets, pills, potions, powders, etc.. Always ‘n lovin’ faith get your vitalizing nutrient nourishing sunshine = sunlight freshly first and foremost directly!
Know that if one method or process destroys or kills “Life Forces” in meats and vegetation, through the cooking and processing patterns, then they work scientifically, physiologically, biologically, chemically all alike the very same. There’s no scientific proven proof that the human body actually absorbs what is energy stored in plant cells; dietary. Basically because, the living human body generates and produces it own cellular energies; collected from the skin being exposed to radiant rays of energy. Then through its digestive - cellular system another series of steps starts the internal inferno stove and oven burning and boiling. Caloric combustion chamber. It extracts the vita-nutrients - minerals from the fiber-plants cells. Specifically and strictly for assimilation!
BEWARE: One can not eat and then truly digest so called “Life Forces”! To claim otherwise is only assumption, conjecture, hearsay, old-wives tales passed down from family generations, and compounded by confirming pseudo science = falsified scientific studies. Money making motives of corrupt capitalist profiteers!
Howsoever, one can’t truly kill nor destroy SOLAR DEITY SUNGDO’S ENERGY!!! Use common sensibilities, and get your lazy butt up and go outside and absorb some direct sunlight of self-loving everlasting life! And meaningfully while working in your homegrown green gardens, yard, flower beds, and of colorful crops. Exerting efforts physically, exercising your native-natural humane rights! And catch - capture when ever you can, some fresh clean cultured currencies coming through electrified, energized, eco-electron rainwater. For fully financial free, forevermore freedom!
Light is Life Forces Fires Flaming Ferociously! Hot-heat has these excited energies, as opposed to cold-ice of frozen states of being. This includes, foods to eat that are hot or heated vs. cold or frozen. One that is burning, blazing, boiling hot, vibrates at the highest temperature frequencies, while the other frequencies are at their lowest ratio-rate of vibrations. And one can common sense wise say that hot food products carry currencies of energies at a higher ratio-rate than cool or cold food stuffs. Plus + heat can not kill nor destroy ENERGY; strictly due to the factual reality, it is in truth ENERGY!!!
Therefore, when we like to talk so much about “Life Forces”; then, we must clearly comprehend that this truthfully means hotness, heat generated by flaming fires, in which is sunlight, sunshine, SUNGOD!
So y’all be very careful about adopting these European Anglo-Americans “Honky” dory ideologies, idiotic ignorant idiosyncrasies. Those that are ant-Afrindian or de-Africanized. What’s good or wholesome for them, is not necessarily the same wholesome goodness for We’s & Us’s melaninated members, Africans in America as; z-blackxz, z-bluexz, z-brownxz pigmented people’s populations. Period.
Therefore, it is no strange wonder, surprising suspense, why westernized Europeanized -Americanized ‘Whites” claims cold uncooked foods, meats, esp. raw vegetables are best health foods. Butt, just because they say so, is this the total told truths? Hell no!
KNOW now, that high heat destroys harmful bacteria, injurious germs, sterilizing and sanitizing cellular membranes, inside and outside of the inflaming human body orgasmic organism. In addition to this truth, all plant life has their native-natural defense mechanisms, internal toxins, planetary poisons to protect and to defend themselves from predatory pests, insects, viruses and diseases! And when one consumes them raw, they should be very much aware that toxins are innately necessary for proper-productive plant life! Y'all later on check out: my ColorKingdom New World Creative Arts Vege-PlanTer-Rain.http://artistchd.wordpress.com./
IMPOSING & PUSHING POLITICIZED PROPAGANDA: Is exactly what “White” people are doing to nonwhite societies worldwide. Attempting to dictate dietary designs, bogusly based on their assumed new discoveries, inventions. And premised upon their faulty foundations of mis-education, school-college indoctrinations, untruthful training and wrongful scientific studies. Giving themselves high ranking honors, degrees AA, BA, MA, Ph.D, on subjects that they can not truly understand nor ever completely comprehend!!!
Furthermore, the mutated members membranes are Ancient Africoid Albinoriginals who themselves were z-Whitexz + z-Pinkxz pigmented persons. Who never were Negroid human being often seen as black shinned. They transformed, transfigured facially or superficially throughout the thousands of years in freezing cold ice ages of the Caucasus Caves, cultivating CaucAsian Caucasoid creatures. Lacking fire, hot-heat, and they are ill-illuminated. Suffering from: “Mal-illumination” = Mal-Melaination!!!
So then, I pray tell y’all to separate and segregate your mental model methods, thinking and thoughts, away from theirs. No longer permits them to impose and force their ill-illuminated wills upon Africans in America, and AmeriAfrindians all around our Global World Nations!!!
Moreover, cold uncooked foods have their proper positive places, butt, better beneficially blessed is by believing in Love Goddess Mother Africa Earth Nature’s Wealthy Womanhood Witty Wisdom. She cooks and cleans and cures, by receiving righteous radiant rays directly from High HEATXZ Hallowed Holy Heavens SUNGOD!
Likewise, wisdom intuitively and instinctively and spiritually said, hot-heated foods being eaten carries cleansing currencies, cultivating cures. Speeding up our vibration ratio-rates. And by consuming cold icy foods, liquids, fluids, water, material matter, not only slows vibration frequencies down, butt, they often stop their circulation currencies = circuits. Which are actualized “Life Forces”!!!
Divinely Decreed Deliberation, of as they say: “Black Liberation”’ as a mandated must mean, thinking and doing differently, making a meaningful True-Up U-Turn, into the exact opposite direction. Going against menacing mainstream Anglo-America, and opposing their impositions, inquisitions and inordinate indoctrinations. Contrary to what they wish or want to think and believe about We’s & Us’s, lets use our owned minds and artfully apply our bright brilliant brains!!!
The Black Jackass Uncle Toms, who are the sellout stupid stooges, yet do not necessarily know it. So y’all politely pretty please permit my teaching and training you on this key question and answer session. They are the vast numbers and overwhelming majority of African American Blacks, who has lost their truer minds, losing their truest “Life Forces” which is an activated pineal gland generator of hormonal Melanin! MASTER1 MEDIA!
SPIRITUALIZED best benefit blessing: bestowed financial free of costly charges in capital cash currencies. Needing no material matter money manufactured nor merchandised markets.
These White Supremacy Superiority Superpower Sickness Syndromes, serves satanic sorcerers who invented and concocted the UNCLETOMISM, SAMBOSIM & SELFHATISM!!!
Disinformation, wrongful education, and inordinate indoctrination, caused these conditions as culpable mental states to develop. And there were and still are economic incentives, financial rewards, monetary awards to those who earn their scholarly degrees at their westernized 'White' world wicked witchcrafts classes of invidious - insidious Institutionalized Racism!!!
‘Equal Education’ with ‘Whites’, is a detriment to ‘Blacks’! Basically because, they may be getting goodness from their Caucasian Caucasoid creations, while, African Africoid-Negroid students are receiving harmful, hurtful, injurious things and thoughts being taught; yet equably!!
SEPARATED & SEGREGATED: Is Equality. Albeit, the degrees of quality, positive attributes may be different, or even disparaging and unequal. And it is our owned individual, personal, collective responsibility, to induce needed quality and quantity into our communities, neighborhoods, schools and small businesses, all alike. Self-accountability = equals TO LOVE THY SELF!!!!
YES SEEDS SOWN SOLEMHNLY: Funky Soul Song Season. CyberJazzBluesRapP: HipP & LapP + Color Kingdom NWCA theme songs mp3. Yes it’s all about happy, healthy, holistic, heartily, humored SOULFOOD For Financially Free + Full Freedom of Artistic Expression! My expanded, excelled, elevated and enhanced, Wix Web site URL:
YES ME MYSELF I AM ArtistCHD AmeriAfrindian Avatar Avenger. The Unifier & Color Collector Co-Cosmic Creator. An A+ Son of SUNG.O.D.D. Now today giving to y’all his Divinely Decreed Deliberation Declaration.
COLLECOM + COLLECOME + COLLECOMATRIX = Collecome: = collect + come + me. Means come collect clean cultured causes with me. Our optimized, climatically changed of venure, word meanings, definitions + paralleling paradigms!!
COLLECONOMIC: Cosmic computerized calculations of collective capital cash currencies. Collecting artwork specimens, specifically and strictly Sacred Spiritious Symbols, Secure Safe Secrets.
NOTE vs. Vote: that our on coming collection of Cyber-computer-children, can comprehend these new world wiser words of wealthy wisdom. Letting go of, leaving behind the times the overused, worn-out, outdated, old-school seniors and sellout souls. Be-gone by-gones!!
Collecomatrix: = collect + com + come + me + ma + mat + matrix
Means the complete composition, consummated causes, comprised companions. Compatible comrades. Coming currently culture clean, correct, caring, compassionate + concerned. Entering the Golden Gates of ColorKingdom NWCA: http://www.colorkingdomnwca.com/.
Colleconomism x Collecomism: //= parallels Collectivism!!
Colleconomist x Collecomist: = those coming together, gathering groups, collective citizenries. Economic energy entities. One who bring certain compatible people into a unified wholesomeness, one body, unit. Plus+ they are Arthiests who collect artworks, items, designs, crafts, music-songs. Pure profits positively produced = $$$
Colleconomistic x Collecomistic: = the sense, essence of art-working, networking, conscious collection. Accumulating, collecting cosmic cash, co-creating currencies. Combining citizens, civilians, countries, counties, cities and clean cultured crafts.
Albeit, the blog listing below, will wisely inform y'all as to how paramount important, imperative it is to formulate our owned military machine might. And how righteous REPARATIONS, Restitution requires reimbursements, restorations to our originating organic organisms. Self-owned, operated, independently individual indigenous inhabitants of planetary sphere EARTH as EARTHORS!
Finally financed for historical and present day discrimination against Africoidian Americans of Africa. Demanded & Commanded that the United States Federal Govenment & Presidency, Congress, Senate, Supreme Court, pay their huge monetary debts, and, OFFICIALLY, order Capitalist Corporations, Christian Churches of Caucasian Caucasoid Catholics & Protestants, to pay up.
Certainly; They are guilty as charges for concocting, inventing RACISM & SLAVERY in the North-Central-South Continental Americas. Sociopath + Psychopath Criminals!
Legislated Laws enforced by Homeland Security & Special Counter-Combat Commands, Africoid-African American controlled companies, regiments, army, navy, air force units. As part and parcel to the Cause of Actions Classified Lawsuits-Settlements!
A certain percentage of the Pentagon's arsenals, arms, tanks, trucks, gear, guns, jets, ships, and all else required to stage strong stances. Against any and all illegal invaders, trespassers, thugs, thieves, who are proved guilty and or caught red handed attempting to take or steal Africa's Americanized Africoidians properties, lands, territories, business basess, banks and financial fitness foundations. Inclusively, our original organic rare rich royal resources, natural and native minerals, precious stones, gems; diamonds, pearls, and gold.
Also: And as a mandated must, make full financed repayment for the stolen, taken, enslaved lands belonging to Ameri-Afrindian indigenous inhabitants. None of it was put upon an action blac-bloc for sale, not at any prices, period.
Yes, We's & Us's were and are still the First World Wealthiest Hue-Main-Kind-Being born better beneficially bestowed blessed; by THE BEAUTEOUS BLACKRAYS!!!
Our Occupyneers Optical Optional Optimized Objectives, Comforter Commander Chief COLOR KINGDOM NWCA = 21st Century CyberSpaceAge cause of action = Methodically militarized militia mindsets, weaponized worldly words of wisdom + fight fearlessly for full fledged freedom, Divinely Decreed Destiny = under one Deliberated x Liberated HueMainLaw!!!
Blog URL: http://mother-earth-nature.blogspot.com/
SOULPOWER + SOLARSUN + Sons of SUNG.O.D.D. = Z-BLACKRAYZ + Moneymarkets x Eco-Energystics - economics, financed fitness fortunes = artworks by ArtistCHD AmeriAfrindian Ascendant Africoidian Africa’s Ancient Ancestry + Artistry, Anointed Atom Ark Anchor Ankh Amen-Ra Radiant Rays, Resources Rare Rich Royalties = $$$ Capital Cash Currencies via COLOR KINGDOM New World Creative Arts pt1/4
SOULPOWER THE BLACKRAYS = Z-Blackrayz of All Mighty Divine Grace + Spirit Source Science System - Sovereign Systream x Ultra-Ultimate Universe IniVerse Real-Live-Vision + Infinite Intellectual Intelligent Immaculate Imagination. Reveals Prof. (Arch Angel) Gabriel Oyibo = “God Almighty Grand Universal Theorem” - Gagut equation G ij,j via AmeriAfrindian ArtistCHD COLOR KINGDOM New World Creative Arts - Arthiest Atom Amen-Ra Radiant Rays! pt2
Z-BLACKRAYZ SOULPOWER Per-suns Perfect Plan-net Artworks Atom Amen-Ra Radiant Rays by ArtistCHD AmeriAfrindian Ascendant Africoid Africa Avenger Avatar ARK ANKH ARTHIEST via COLOR KINGDOM New World Creative Arts pt3
Z-BLACKRAYZ SOULPOWER Per-suns Perfect Plan-net Artworks Atom Amen-Ra Radiant Rays by ArtistCHD AmeriAfrindian Ascendant Africoid Africa Avenger Avatar ARK ANKH ARTHIEST via COLOR KINGDOM New World Creative Arts pt4