The beginning of graphic figures, the genesis great genius, gift of geographic grace. And all of our original shapes, lines, are artfully formulated foundations.
The authentically authorized, appointed - anointed Arthiests = ArtistCHDs, perceived precepts, panoramic pictures.
The starting point, initiating inceptions, retina reality receptions, meaning how that the eyes are seeing things, there shapes, designs, images contained and or conceptions composed within a circle. Everything exists in our optical-oval vision, material matter manifestations, in the round. And the other polygons, squares = basic boxes, artworks are actually inside the foundation = O or 0 zero = a formula.
Ultra-Universal Ultimate Understanding = Getting under the object O. Then lifting it upwards overhead lets in understanding. = the circle or O over-standing = outstanding; as Wexz & Usxz, are standing on top of the planetary earthly sphere = round circular, cellular Global-World-Nations. Equals = inner-standing.
Circle Consummation: = An ancient artistic actionary and ultra-universal symbol of unity, sacred-ness, wholeness, infinity, the Solar SUNGODD Masculine male + Feminine female planetary power Love Goddess. The earth-centered (non-religions), spiritual sciences throughout our original Holistory, as opposed to Eu-Rope-an hate-history = his-story vs. our-story + MyStory’s genesis gifted glory. In the beginnings of ancient Alkebulan Africa’s ancestry + anointed artistry. Then next later on, centuries after the facts, as well as to many copycat contemporary pagans, it represents the feminine spirit or force, the cosmos or a spiritualized solar science. Mother Earth Nature and a sacred space.Next notes...
BRAVELY BOLDLY BUILDING BIG BANKING BUCKS: Compass Capital Cash Currency; Clean Cultured. Forthcoming Financed Funded Fortunes Fortress = $$$ Divine Decreed Donations, Declared Deliberated Dollars = $$$. Making More Meaningful Manufactured Mercy Merchant Money + Phantom-Physics-1 Pure Potency Powered Positive Production Profits = $$$.
Name: Z-BLACKRAYZ Phantom Physics OriginatOrgOne1
URL: http://blackrayz.wordpress.com/
Divine Decreed Deliberation – Determination – Deified Declaration: Instead of long lost losers Liberation. What I AM acknowledging is, Wexz & Usxz, are actualizing anointed artworks, deliberately and determinately. Deliberating Dignity Digital Divinity Diamond Designs.
BRAVELY BOLDLY BUILDING BIG BANKING BUCKS: Compass Capital Cash Currency; Clean Cultured. Forthcoming Financed Funded Fortunes Fortress = $$$ Divine Decreed Donations, Declared Deliberated Dollars = $$$. Making More Meaningful Manufactured Mercy Merchant Money + Phantom-Physics-1 Pure Potency Powered Positive Production Profits = $$$.
Name: Z-BLACKRAYZ Phantom Physics OriginatOrgOne1
URL: http://blackrayz.wordpress.com/
NOTE vs. Vote: strictly says specifically, spend your hard or easy earned extra-income, made merchant money, within wealth. Go to my main web site domain, front Homepage, all the way to the bottom, and an active Donation button is posted COLOR KINGDOM New World Creative Arts via COMPASS Banking System’s Safety Security, Sacred Spiritious Sanctuary.
“It is more blessed to give, than it is to receive.”

Of Our Optical Orbiting ORIGINAT-ORG-ONE-1

You're Better Beneficially Bestowed Blessed
Thank You & Yawls Very Kindly From The Kindhearted Kinky
You're Better Beneficially Bestowed Blessed
Thank You & Yawls Very Kindly From The Kindhearted Kinky
.....Each and every single letter Afribet, alphabet + number 0-1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9, are actualized arrivals coming correctly, completely from inside the overall oven. Consummating creative conceptions, picturesque pyramid-planes projections = problem proofed!
When we’re dealing with the circulating sovereign SOLARSUN = SUNGODD, then these pyramid planes projections, protrusions, projectiles, are Electric-Eco-Energies, executing electron entities, emanating
Yes, I pray tell y'all that We's & Us's are actually creating conditions, consciouses that know how to invent-invest, create, originate our optimized desires. And it is our anointed artistic SPIRITUAL RENAISSANCE MOVEMENT; for financial self-empowerment, improment self-government!!!

Universal Language, leading line-letters, written with words spoken, syllabically, verbally, orally, audibly.
The letter Q q is the same shape of our Afrimath 9, drawn in the art forms Afribet number nine. The very last character in the numerical system of thought. 0 - 9 stops point blank period.
Also a capital G and a 9 forms the same shape, turned upside down or downside up. The lines connect in our original Afibet letter G. A shown in figure_ line drawing. It is a backwards small e, twisted, turned around in the opposite direction.
No fancy formations, for the most part, just simple plain-O-basics. Elementary elements existing everywhere, everyplace, everything. No hooks, loops that are not contained inside the circular conception, criteria - concurring curricula. A least within alignment!
You artfully form the template with your mastermind,
One single syllabic symbol, has many, multiple meanings. Textual translations.
Teaching, technically training the eyes to see visions of shapes and forms. Involving Immaculate Imagination.
Our school children, kids are not necessarily failing, butt, better beneficially blessed by succeeding successfully; senseless sayings, sentences, schoolings, Teaching that don’t meaningfully make good common sensibility. Therefore, they smartly reject - renounce the maledictions = wrongful education and incorrect instructions. They often do this, instinctively, intuitively and Spiritiously (spiritually)\
Complex things made simply plain, And additionally making more meaningful things that are complex. Building + breaking back down to the foundamental, elemental basics.
Children’s Cyber-College Curricular Cosmic Computer ColorComplex.
Read more: http://ck-nwca-save-babies-kids-child.webnode.com/childrens-cyber-college-cosmic-computer-colorcomplex-/
CHANNEL + CONDUIT: Children’s Cyber-College Curricular Cosmic Computer ColorComplex. Read more: http://ck-nwca-save-babies-kids-child.webnode.com/childrens-cyber-college-cosmic-computer-colorcomplex-/.
WEBNODE: http://cms.ck-nwca-save-babies-kids-child.webnode.com/ ....
Kindergrade: = kinder + grade = erkind degra = enhanced-elevated English language words, syllabic symbols.
Kindergarten = Kinder-garden, = clean cultured children crops raised, inside the circle of kinder conditions, circumstances, communities, communions, etc. Divinely developing, gainfully growing gardens, gallantly giving gifted grace. Graded graciously!
No more mean mentality methods, of grading our kids with Xs and Fs written on their test papers = X-ams or exams, Too harsh, heavy handed, hateful, hurtful, harmful.
Mastermind melanic methods, messiah mental models, Patterned order + organized = photoptic paved patterned pathways of perfected perception.
Photoptics: = photo + hot + ho + to + top + opt + optics + tics
Study holistory’s ancient Africoidian past, then artfully apply it to now today, projecting into the future. Concurrently creating new types of artworks. By being immaginative and inventive. Instead of argumentative, disputing, fussing-fighting among; Themselves, over writings and scriptures; in which very few can consciously comprehend. Unless they are artistically appointed + authentically anointed! And leading linguists are not necessarily, naturally, natively qualified!
….Scriptural Science, Sacret Spiritious Science, Scientific Scripts, Sacred Science, with wisdom coming culturally clean from inside my melanin mastermind messiah mental models. And not by some senseless Eu-Rope-an males or Anglo-American female linguist, trying to tell me what words mean, and or do not mean. Due to the truest facts of reality, they don't KNOW what on planet earth they are talking about. Expecially, when attempting to testify to some things pertainent to MyStory & OurStory as opposed to Her or His hate history!
Therefore, To Love Thy Self is 'To Know Thy Self'; = self-determination, self-interpretation and self-sufficiency! And all those institutionalized 'African American Blacks'; who allowed themselves to become indoctrinated, in the alleged name of being college educated, were wickedly misled astray. Thus to think thoughts that are bias-bogus bigoted belief based. Incorrect, religiously riddiculous, recalcitrant and irresponsible!!
Dr. Walter Williams professes: "The Medu Neter Hieroglyphics has never been deciphered!" And he has been saying this for about 20 years to date: 12-18-2012. Find and dandy, so be it Arthiest Atom Amen-RA SOLARSUN = SUNGODD DEITY.
BUTT blessedly beneficial: Developmental deciphering designs, by visualizing images, shapes, sizes, angles, lines + overall general view points, perspectives. In other plain-o-simple sayings, I have happily deciphered this specific sacred script, artwork drawn, now named Medu Neter Hieroglyphics of our original Africoidian Africa ancient ancestry + anointed artistry. Courageous common sensibility SUCCESS!
Pictographic drawings on the ancient Africa ancestral artistries, actualizes exactly what they are meant to represent, portray, depict. And as a True-Up ArtistCHD, anointed and appointed Arthiest, a certain creature, animal, bird, beast of the fields, air-water-land, show itself crystal clear, consciously clarified.
Therefore, no confusion could concur when we choose to face value them, as sketches, cave carvings, realistically. They represent realities!
My old-age ancient Solar Sexus Soul, drew and painted pictures, precisely as the subject looked like. Their characteristics, personalities, outlines, physical features, in our optical real world = wisdom.
Howsoever, these non-artists, (impostors-fakers), think that they know what we meant, wrongly believe that they have correctly deciphered our original Medu Neter Hieroglyphics, Rosseta Stones-3! Butt, they have grossly gambled and foolishly fail. And it do not necessarily matter to Wexz & Usxz, how many Educational Institutions, colleges, universities they attended and or gradated from receiving various scholarly degrees. They are all irrelevant!
People’s personal perceptions, are actualized views based upon what or who they truly see visually. And can commonly call them the very same things, when ever that creature, snake - snail - slug, animal, fish, foul-bird, beast appears. And other things are meant to appear abstract!
All alien agents, antagonist adversaries; of the foreign languages one might have learned to speak, outside of continental Mother Africa, is never going to be impressive enough to give those persons proper perspectives on our original languages of antiquity, written and or spoken. An Europeanized, Westernized, Asianized American, school student, fatally fails the True-Up U-Turn testimonial test. and as an alleged-assumed expert; upon examinations. Equals = unqualified!
Over ambitious book writers, profiteering publishers are untrustworthy, non-transparent. Expressly those, who perhaps, need to learn lessons himself or herself!?
Plus+ it gives them no ritual right of passage, nor sacred spirituous security PASS!
Y'ALL NOW KNOW THESE TRUTHS TOTALLY TOLD 100%+: And an authentically authorized Artihiest, had correctly, completely drawn and painted and portrayed unique features, to identify the particular object, item, human, face, arm, leg, feet, hand; in proper proportions to how it or they realistically were shaped, artfully formed. End of question and answers, period
Visual Precepts + Percepts = Created Concepts = Ultra-Universal IniVersal RealiVision = Real Live Vision x Received Recepts.
BIG BIRD BLAC-KEYS QUESTIONS: What kind or type of bird? Is the one drawn is a falcon - hawk - eagle - owl, sparrow - pigeon - dove - goose - chicken, duck - swan - peacock - pheasant - turkey, ostrich, buzzard-vulture- condor. And this artfully applies to portraits of humans biological bodies, as ArtistCHDs saw them to be. Overall and in general. Further still we expertly draw the person’s unique features that set them apart as individuals. Making their faces - facial features look like it belongs to Mike, Susan, Mary, Tom, Jerry, Larry, Linda, etc., etc. No shadow of doubt about who they are = identity = identification!
Whosoever, they might be, thus far as I can clearly see, White or Black, African or European = Eurasian, don't seem to truthfully KNOW, what they talk so much about. Getting on various Internet talk radio shows saying that this ancient Alkebulan-Africa artistic language has been translated approx. about "80%". Bogusly blantantly blank statements!
Yet these loud motor mouths, have never presented positive proof, practical evidence, exactly explaining how they arrived by assigning a alphabet letter to a symbol, graphic picture painting and drawings. They grossly error!
PanorAfricanism = PanorAfricAspora: It's crystal clear how wrong many of these wanna-be Pan-Africanists are! No true correlations, connections, corrections, which is so apparently obvious. Therefore, it is my job, couragesous commission calling cause to correct them all together. And encourage these mis-translaters, linguists, X-perts to come completely cultured clean = consummately cured. 'Let My People's Melaninated Minds Go...Or else' Blessedly because I AM THAT I AM THE ORIGINAL CREATIVE ARTISTCHD AMERIAFRINDIAN AVATAR AVENGER!!!
And as Dr. Pros. Walter Williams, proclaims, The ‘Medu Neter Hierogryphics has never been deciphered’; stands strong still staunchly. I AM The Original Creative ArtistCHD AmeriAfrindian Avatar Avenger. Those are my mastermind melanin messiah names and titles, telling to y’all the total truths 100%+.
Albeit, better beneficially born blessed, a True-Up U-Turn around Arthiest, more meaningful bright brilliant brainstorming is of a necessitated need. Taking these timely things, in tiny steps, baby breaths of 0-1-2-3, abc. One at a time, as I have effectively done with my matermind Afribet M, derived from facial features of an Owl = bird. And my method is illustrated, portrayed picturesquely right before your owned two eyes!
YES: We's & Us's should surely study to show ourselves, myself appropriately approved by my one and only optical SUNGODD DEITY.
Some things are self explanatory, some pictures speaks for themselves, many sketches, drawings-paintings show any on looking person precisely what they actually are. Yes, the pictographs can tell stories, represent creative concepts, butt, to be translated - tranfigurated - transformed into conventional characters call letters, alphabets, symbolic symbols, is questionable, if not answerable?!
From what I Am looking at, reading, viewing and hearing so said experts, authorities, linguists = language translators, talking about, make no good common sense at all. The rules of rational reasoning, logic, practical perception is thrown off better built bases, has faulty foundations, improper premises. And here again I don’t care who they are, how many degrees, accolades, language they claim to fluently speak, none truthful KNOW!
Having said that truthfully, there may be to some small extent, degree deserving of merits, that these pictographic images were deciphered. A few of them perhaps. Although, this doesn’t give book writers, authors - publishers, prestigious privileges, to print materials, literatures to sell publicly. Capitalistic causes, costly capital cash currency corruptions. Capturing valued knowledge, wisdom, enslaving them inside a binding book with a covered price tag, Thus, to make money, monetary gains as profits. Basically because, the information, collected data belongs to all authentic Africoidians, AmeriAfrindians, Afrindians of the Africa = PanorAfricAspora. Financially Free = Full Fledge Freedom!

SOLARSUN'S Love Life Light Locks Leading Learning Lessons.
……Big Brave Bold Blac-Keyz Questions: can, or could CaucAsian females school teachers, instruct our oncoming children correctly? May a light - bright - white skinned woman qualify herself to become an Africanized Actionary? Might a pearly pink pigmented person, educator lady, have her ‘pale face’ features, be one of our classroom teachers? What are the requirements to be considered of the truest Africoidian mindset, melanin mental model? Will a dark - toned-tanned, shaded skinned sister or so said “Black” female, automatically qualify to teach talented children of Africa’s ascendance? And the definitive qualifying answers are not necessarily so!
Let’s say for instances, examples: There is a Blackface female, a Brown-Red-Yellow epidermal, shinned female; who wants to teach the kids of COLOR KINGDOM NWCA. Now next, we discover that she is calling herself this: “I’m a Christian”; ‘I believe in the Lord & Savior Jesus Christ’ “God”! Unfortunately for her she is rejected, renounced, rebuked, rebuffed righteously.
Furthermore, here comes an alleged-assumed African American woman proclaiming that she is into politics, as a Republican or a Democrat. And she religiously votes in every election campaign on the local, state, Congressional, Senatorial, U.S. Presidential level. Equals = political religiosity!
Basically because, when a person, individual tell my mastermind, that they are of or belong to, and or is, one of these three major mainstream manmade manufactured mythological mentalities, Christian-Christianity - Ismlam Muslim Muhammandanism = Black Israeliste Hebrw Jews Judiasim = racist renegade rouge Reptilian Race Religions, they also tell me that they KNOW nothing truthful about themselves! Period.
Moreover, here come Ms Little Lilly White Pollyanna wearing her rose colored glasses, Honky dory, everything is alright Africanized - Africoidianized. Well in her Rare Rich Royal Resourceful case; she’s satisfying the prerequisite qualification. Ya see, Africanism starts Spiritiously or Spiritually, then psychologically and physiologically. As one “Divest” themselves of all religious politics!!
The Circular currencies = circulating cosmic character contents, corrected conscious, clean cultured con-science earns that individual person passages. A temporary if not permanent PASS!!! Otherwise, Hades Hell No, you cannot correctly teach my kids, school age children, nor day-care center babysit blessedly born babies!
CRIMINALLY CORRUPT CAPITALISTS: Pay 10 - 20 -30 dollars more or less to come to hear my lectures, use PayPal to buy my DVDs - Cds, to see and hear, audio-visual information, teaching techniques, new learning tools, educational methods, so forth and so on. Which is in essence, reality, actuality, imprisoning that universal belongs to our Whole Wide World Web = Global-World-Nations!

Howsover, these artworks that yawls see portrayed-posted herein, hereof CK-NWCA, are authentically authorized actionaries. I actually created them, drew, painted the exhibits as rare rich royal resources. Which give ArtistCHD the private-person HueMainRight, to sell them at any price I choose. Or else for financial free = $$$....
Our Optical MultiPlexRazial Bio-Body Beings!!!

COLOR KINGDOM NWCA says: Save Kids - Babies - Children at birth: Basically because, such sinister satanic child abuses; physical - psychological punishments, are actually causing criminality, crazed citizens, who will wantonly roam around mass murdering members of the human family fold. Become hostile haters of humanity. Due to them being beaten early on into insanity and inhumanity! Serial killers on the loose with numerous cold cases that have never been solved. Gunmen walking into schools, workplaces firing deadly weapons at students, teachers, staff, and anybody else near insight. FACT OF REALITY = Connecticut crazy criminal killer:
CBS/AP/ December 16, 2012, 7:48 AM_ As Conn. residents mourn, feds visit gun shops
Furthermore, as I’ve often said, far too many melaninated member calling themselves “all Black”; African Americans, have foolishly committed themselves to things that has never been proved; beyond any rational reasonable room to doubt. So they are left holding the bogusly bias bigotry bag of blatantly bad black witchcrafts!
As I have happily heard that they change their true Americanized African names that their loving parents, mother and father, gave to them at birth or before during pregnancy. And due to being religiously recalcitrant, rejecting their identities, national names, begin calling themes by foreign names. Yet that’s not the geographical locations; in which, they were born, nor raised as a child. Nor speak the local languages, dialects, etc.
Albeit better blessed beneficially, Wexz & Usxz are Actionaries, constantly creating more merciful merchant money making methods = Mastermind Melanin Messiah Mental Models. Instead of always complaining, crying about what Westerners wrongly took, Eu-Rope-ans stole; shared and or borrowed. Knowing that authentic Africoidians, living in Africa or the Americas, PanorAfricAspora, have unlimited inventive artistic abilities. So might True-Up Arthiests get to artworking. Happily + Joyfully!!
Moreover, too many self-proclaimed ‘Blacks’; religiously believe that the English names given to them…, represents or equals = “The Slave Masters Name” and or “Government Name”! Butt, how silly, childish and foolish can some of We’s & Us’s be? These are Vital Statistics!!
Some of the racist renegade rouge Reptilian Race Religion; Islamic Muslims Orthodox & The Nation of Islam, changed their Americanized English names, to a notoriously known historical and today’s Asiatic Arab Slave Master names!
Consciously confusion, conscientious chaos, causing civil conflicts, combustible causes, concurring community collisions! They’re truly lost souls = soulless zombies = the living dead!
In addition, there are those who have chose to change their true names, into an African name of Her vast region. So be it Atom Amen-Ra. Howsoever, they also have been quite involved with internalized self-hatred of sinister satanic sorts. Wrongly believing that now today they are much better than other brothers and sisters, who elected to keep their American identities, + righteously recognize Mother Homeland Africa as Africoidians & AmeriAfrindians!!
Think Though things = “thoughts are things” (Dr. D.B.)
CONCENTRACT: = co + on + con + cent + en + track + act
Concentracted - concentrated cosmic creative conscience; consciously contained. Set on a strategic track, wavelength, vibration frequency ratio rate. Following a paved patterned pathway, course of action - desired direction. Equals = acts + concentracts = concentraction. Creating concentracted thinking, = thoughthings.
Continentality: before Nationality: concurrent constitutionality and constitutional.
Created concepts: continental and national; continent and nation. Constitutionalism - Continentalism. Constructive creations - conversions - contractions = courageously colorful constructions.
And Africa is considered continental, a continent of collective countries or namely nations = nationhood. Therefore also likewise exists, coinciding conceptual continent-hood.
Afro-African American, thus truly then; constitutes Continentality. Correctly called Continentalities!!!
Consisting of continents; and attaches Africa and America. Attractive affluence and actual attributes as aggregated - amalgamated affirmations.
African American, is not false, nor any falsified - fictitious - fraudulent founded fact. Modern maps makes these truths told thoroughly, 100%+ positive proofed-proved!
Howsoever, any questions remaining about what specific nation We's & Us's were originally from, remains mysteries. Millions more melaninated majority members migrated - mixed - mingled - mated - married, millennial, many mutated!
Those localized African areas, countries changed national names. Creatively evolves, expands exponentially. Having no blocking borders to stop societies from crossing, traveling terrestrially thus territorial transitory. Across All Alpha-Alkebulan-Africa = Africaspora and AmericAfricAspora!
BUTT BEWARE: There are no legitimate, scientific tests to tall anyone where they originated, as it pertains to Mitochondrial RNA & DNA CODES. Those testers are proven; liars telling leading lies. Making money, multimillionaires off of our own stupidity, some of We's & Us's at least are acting ignorant as idiotic ignoramuses. Too trusting, thus fatally falls for frauds, fakers, for financial fame and fortunes = $$$. Forthright foolish faith following fools of foolery!
"as we grew wiser, we started calling ourselves Africans, but we act like we dont know what African Nations we came from, so we took on false national titles like African-American, which is not a nationality, and they know this. "Africa" is not a nation, the root of the word "nationality", from "natio", from "nasci", which means to be "born" to. your nationality tells you what fathers and mothers you have been born to, like your last name, imagine meeting someone who did not know their own last name, and made up a fake one, they might be satisfied with that, but it still fake, and fake has no legal rights that have to be recognized by anyone in the world."
TRUE, "false national titles like African-American, which is not a nationality". And also TRUE, it was never meant to be a nationality. The United States of America, nationalized everybody, who were considered citizens!
I always rationally reasons with realities; not religiosity's ridiculous rationales. And those who may have good intentions, acting all anti-Aboriginal Africoidian and against Afro-African American identities, are overstepping their bounds. Going too far astray!
Although, Negroes - Coloreds - Blacks; historically has no continental connectivity, nor nationality. A total disconnection, defection and deliberately devised dysfunction!
Americanized Africans and Africanized Americans; yet do indeed connects collectively - continental = CONSTITUTIONALITY & CONTINENTALITY!!
Language, linguistics were meant to creatively evolve, and never stay static - stuck - sedentary, subdued, slowed, stopped = slaved. (Slavs)
And a planetary people's populations, can never escape evolutionary expressive elocution. Some may/might say, there's no such word as that - this or the other. Forgetting or not knowing how history has humans, who're inventive, innovative. Intellectually intelligent, intuitive - instinctive!
In the above aforementioned case, I've invented - innovated a creative concept in communications, to fit firmly inside an external existence. A positively+ proofed, proved propositions, perceptions, precepts = practical purposes.

MENTAL VIRONXZ = “Mind Viruses” = Psychogens: And straight up front, there are a self-hating host of Harlots hoes; prostituting whores who will wantonly wish to tell their untruthful stories to other uninformed Africans in Americas dis-United States. Owned, operated by Eu-Rope-an American Anglo-Al Qaeda. Antagonist adversarial alien agents. Earn scholarships to attend, so called Caucasian colleges, “White” schools of alleged-assumed higher learning = at least lesser. Then think that that truly have been blessedly educated. Butt, they have in numerous cases, been inordinately inoculated + indoctrinated. Trained monkeys see and dodo birds, parakeet repeat after me Pollyanna want a wicked witchcrafts WhitTie whip Crackers concoction. And conditioned psychologically; inclusively, duped-bribed-brainwashed idiotic ignoramuses!
A pictograph of a Lion: = L + C for cat + F for feline. True translations-transfigurations. LCF or LFC.
Grammar + Graphic + Geographic + Genetic + Geometric: The overall whole picture, the circle = circumference = geometry.. Then pick out the visualized images, lines, elements, shapes, forms, dimensions, drawings, etc. The Afrionxz mastermind mental model, method = mathematic mechanism = Afrithmetic (arithmetic) Afrithmathic + Afrhythmic ..(rhythmic)
Cosmic Calendar, counting, creating, calculating,
Starlings = small sungoddlings, enveloped, contained inside a bio-body being as the planetary sphere earth as Earthors; as opposed to earthlings. Deep dark, shaded, toned-tanned skin pigmentation, = cosmic creation carbon core center-cradle. = the complete circle. The positive production of more (Moor) melanin, membranes, masterminds. Of Z-Blac-Keyz and of Z-BlackRayz!!
Planting potent power! “A (circulating) curriculum is a spirit“ source science system-sovereign systream, (Dr. B.T.C.)
CHRISTRIX + CHEMETRIX = Chemistry = circular-curricular chemetrix = the chemical combustion chambers, cylinders, measured mathematical numbers consciously counted, calculated constructive compositions, thinking thought mentally, psychologically + physically, in the mind. Cosmic creative chemetrixity. Electrical wave lengths, nerves - neutrons, synaptic tissues. Metrical melanin mastermind ministry and actualized artistry!
These translation by a European Caucasoid Caucasian = White Male” is totally untruthful, mistranslated, meaningless mess made, manufactured myths. Having no realistic, rational, reasonable basis, whatsoever. These symbols, artistic drawings are what they are in and of themselves = period.

Face value, for what it is, self-defining,. And nobody, race, religion, color or creed, can nor shall receive an automatic ritual right of passage, be permitted to pass through my mastermind melanin messiah mental mechanisms. Top secret, safety sacred Spiritious Security System And whosoever, they are, might be that’s claiming to be teaching Medu Neter, bogusly based on what racist “White Men” says or said, is also wickedly wrong. Having no personal integrity too!
Baring no one. Both blind men and colorblind females, so said “Blacks”, shall surely sink along with their present day Eu-Rope-an slave masters! Plus+ be SUNGODD DEITY Divinely Decreed Devil Damned; decisively dated: New Years Day Sunday, January 1, 2013, under one official HueMainRight + HueMainLaw of HueMainKind!!
Yahooh! News Report mass murder of young school childrens, little kids December 2012 “A glimpse of victims of the Conn. school shooting”Most died at the very start of their young lives, tiny victims taken in a way not fit no matter one's age. Others found their life's work in sheltering these little ones, teaching them, caring for them, treating them as their own. After the gunfire ended Friday at Sandy Hook Elementary School, the trail of loss was more than many could bear: 20 children and six adults at the school, the gunman's mother at home, and the gunman himself.
CNN News Report: Live blog: Kids slain at Connecticut school were 6, 7
20 children, six adults and the shooter are dead after shooting at Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown, Connecticut, on Friday morning. Three law enforcement officials say Adam Lanza, 20, was the shooter, and that he died apparently by his own hand Law enforcement officials say Lanza killed his mother, Nancy, at her Newtown home before going to the school Victims' names released Saturday; all of the slain children were either 6 or 7 years old http://news.blogs.cnn.com/2012/12/15/children-and-adults-gunned-down-in-connecticut-school-massacre/
Fabulous Fabric Fashion Flower Girls+Precious Pretty Pattern Princesses+AmeriAfridian Ascend ArtistCHD=Authentic Ancestral Artwork+CK-NWCA’S Dignity Divinity Diamond Designs=Creative Evolution-Revolution!!