YES: We’s & Us’s are instating and installing HIS + HER DYNAMIC EQUILIZED BIOLOGICAL BALANCE!! Bother Ms MAAT Matriarch & Mr. Patriarch. Male + Female, Girl + Boy, Woman + Man, Feminine + Masculine.
OK Y’all, this talented technique truly honors and respects the duality of each sex-gender. Where one never again overpowers nor dominate or controls the other. Because ancient ancestral Africa, has a Matriarchal society and the Europeans has a Patriarchal societal system, in which both are proved to be bogus, bias and based on bigotry.
Whether black or white, any one sided bio-genotype governance, ruler-ship, relationship, is considered now today as a by-gone time period. And as we’ve entered our 21st century CyberSpaceAge, this imbalances, mankind over womankind, or womankind over mankind, has to cease. So then, without question, via the innate-inborn vested gift of grace ’n Me+Myself+I AM; Divinely Decreeing HUEMAINKIND. Thus that it be immediately installed-instated and promptly established herein our USA PROMISED LAND.
REVELATIONS: “All things considered, when the Nazis say that the French are Negroes, if we disregard the pejorative intention of that affirmation, it remains well-founded historically, insofar as it refers to those contacts between people in the Aegean epoch. But that is true not only of the French, it is even more applicable to the Spaniards, Italians, Creeks, etc. , All these population whose complexion, less white than that of other Europeans, has wishfully been attributed to their southern habitat.
What is false in Nazi propaganda is the claim of racial superiority, but certainly the blue-eyed, blond Nordic race has been the lest mixed since th fourth glaciations.”
Albeit, these so called white specialists, expert authorities, intentionally, knowingly, deliberately, purposely try to distort and destroy and deny these statements of truth. “The one drop rule” still counts today!
Further still, AmeriAfrindian AristCHD positively portrays these transitioning-transforming-transfiguring facial features. First and foremost as a biological-physiological scientific fact of reality, in spirit and in truth; The two distant, opposite poled pearly pale pink pigmented people; produced to Whites. These colorized citizens of Africa Africoid’s mutation, albinism of albinos, in the virus or disease leprosy of the lepers, generated pinkish persons. Who then eventually evolved environmentally, into “pale faces” or fair complexion CaucAsian Caucasoid whitish. Ice-age inhabitant of freezing cold, sunless or less sun region habitat.
Then after they stabilized in physical appearance, bodily art form as we witness whites today; the blackish-bluish-brownish human beings blended in a mixture with whitish and pinkish people to product these middle-section people who appear to be high yellow--ocher--red bone.
My panoramic portraits pictures presents these proofs as being truthfully self-evident. And no racist religious radicals can cover up, hide, ignore, distort and disguise. We’s & Us’s True-Up U-Turn Afrindian Artists, are the ascendants of our ancient ancestral Africa authorities. And are the sole ones who molded, sculptured, carved in to hard solid clayed stone, all of the facts, truths, evidences, and totally told truths, one need to visually see. Regardless of what some one wants to tell y’all in spoken-oral-verbal or written words, my posted artwork speaks crystal clear and cultured CLEAN & CONCISE!!
It is well written words of wisdom :”The colonization of Spain was rapid; at that time crossbreeding was so widespread that the Iberian peninsula (Taris) was considered by the Greeks as being of Canaanitic origin. If today the Spaniards are the brownest of Europeans, this should be ascribed to that crossbreeding, more so than to their later contact with the Arabs. --- apart from the ethnic effects that may have resulted from the presence of the Negro Grimaldi race in the south of Europe at the close of the Paleolithic.”
...BLACKZ SUPREMACY: With one of the greatest military leaders of all time; said to be Negroid, Hannibal who almost conquered and took down to defeat Rome : ” The Supremacy of the Negro or Negroid world ended. Henceforth the torch passed to the European population of the northern Mediterranean. From then on its technical civilization would spread from the coast toward the interior of the continent ( just the opposite of what happened in Africa ). By the way my wiser wording Blackz is plural and singlular in defined meanings#!
From then on the northern Mediterranean dominated the southern Mediterranean. Except for the Islamic breakthrough, Europe has ruled Africa down to the present day. With the Roman victory over Carthage, European penetration and control of Africa began; it reached its high point at the end of the nineteenth century.” Equals = WHITE SUPREMACY SUPERIORITY SUPERPOWER SICKNESS SYNDROMES = Sorcerers Sinister Systems Snake Serpent SATAN!!!
“When one studies the civilization that developed in the Mediterranean basin, it seems impossible to exaggerate the essential role played by Negroes and Negroids at a time when European races were still uncivilized”
HISTORICITY Repeats Redundantly & Repetitiously Over Again: And actually White Supremacy; like Black Supremacy…, is fallen for the exact same reasons overaggressive Africa Africoid-Negroid-Negoes military might did! Due to overindulgence, overstepping their bounds-borders, overpowering opponents, overextending its expansions and overestimating their own abilities to be defeated. This I name to be Arrogant Ambitious Egoism!
The disUnited Stated of Angry Anglo-America Al’Qaeda, has gone insane and is a crazy capitalist Caucasian Caucasoid creature criminal! Military might mentality that is psychotic. A psychological disorder that command them to keep on invading and intruding and intervening into other foreign sovereign nations geographical regions and local lands. Excessively extended to the punctual point of self-destructive ‘savage beast barbaric behaviors'. Entrapping, enslaving, tormenting-torturing so called “enemy combatants”; in gross violation of our U.S. Constitutional Laws & Criminal Laws, inclusively violently trespassing against and encroaching upon; the well established Charters of International Laws!!!
FORTURNATELY For We’s & Us’s , Butt Unfortunately for Whites! Because, it appears to my envisioned insights, intuitive instincts of Spiritualized Infinite Intellectual Intelligence, nobody, baring none, not a single one, group or organization; shall escape. Be forgiven or let go Scott free from facing financial finalizing fatal fates!!!
Prime Time Examples & Key Instances: 1st: CHRISTENDOM’S Christianity of Christians religious faiths.. are practicing politicized policies of White Supremacy = some silly white male person being Messiah-Lord & Savior “Sweet Jesus” who alleged is "God". Who is no doubt, positively not and never has been or will be: HORUS THE CHRIST + CHRIST-HORUSHEART-DEITY or DIVINITY!!!
2nd: MOHAMMADON’S Islamic Muslims of Arab-Asiatic-Semitics: policy practicing politicized, radicalized racist religion: Yellow-Brown-Black Supremacy!!!
3rd: And today’s secular societies, who claim to be of none of the above religions, are actualizing on the inner-city-urban streets Hateful Hostile Hideous Heathenism. Permitting their youth or young kids run wild in the hoods and uncultured communities. Acting like uncivilized children, roaming around jacking up others for their personal belongings, taking private persons valuables. Sometimes starting a bunch of bad shit, to justify beating the hell out of another youngster, robbing them and even shooting them dead! And the younger generations learned their rebellous bad behaviors from their leadership parents, older brothers and sisters, cousins, friends, etc., who are perhaps now corporate capitalist criminals. (undercover alcoholics and drug addicts in denial!) More sophisticated gangsters and money making mobsters in political power positions. Leaving these terrigy teenagers left to find for themselves, the best that they know how to survive, the man made manufactured slum ghettos of filthy underhanded dirty gar-bage... Equals = Gang-Banggers!!
FINANCED FORTUNES: Hurry up righteously now today and purchase your powerful personalized SACRED SYMBOL SECURE SAFE SECRETS. They are artfully activated-actualized as aesthetic Top Secret Society Security PASSES = Righteous rites of pattern pathway passage. Permitting nonpolitical and nonreligious radical racists and non-heathen self-hate No more monetary sorry ace of spade ass excuses and pitiful alibis for failing financially to BUY NOW $$$!100%+
Furthermore, in one can afford to go out shopping at grocery--drug stores, buying a unkind types of food stuff, ‘cases of coke’ pounds of ‘pickled pigs feet‘ ‘red meat‘-beef-chicken-pork, loads of hog maws-jaws-ears-tails, huge ham hocks, chitterlings-chitlings by the 10lb buckets, crates of beers, bottles of wine--liquors. And can afford to pay for roles of lottery tickets in futile hopes of gittin’ rich quick, then, they can also afford to cease this unhealthful nonsense.
And I’m strictly talking about the bad habits that generates degenerative diseases in anybody over-consuming them. Because they proved to be chemical lased, tormenting-terrifying-torturing toxic and lethally poisonous, to all living cell membranes! And the excessive eating causes flabby fat overweight obesity diabetes adiposity!!!
So wisely trim back down to grassroots ground level zero % excess fat, spending and lending and borrowing. Self-disciplining is a mandated must today, without exceptions to these stated rules--regulations-requirement. In organizational order to overcome….become and BE: RARE+RICH
+ROYATY = $$$
“While Phoenicians controlled the seas, the business of providing White women for the Black world took place. In its role of whitening the Egyptians should not be minimized.” In short they even kidnapped and raped some fair skinned Greek girls, who some were or at least one was “the daughter of Inachus.” Set sail from the Greek ports and carried these white women back over to Africa Egypt, as an expensive prize package. As it is well written; “The Pharaoh had to pay a high price for those white-skin girls with such pure features, so different from the human cargo his armies brought back from Syria.”
Now this for sure caused retaliatory actions, and warfare of some sort! And “in this context, we can also place the kidnapping by the (Ngroid-Negro-Egypto) Phoenicians of Eumea, daughter of a notable of Skyros, and the rape of Helen by Paris, son of Priam. This must have occurred under similar conditions, if we recall that the Pharaoh sent 10, 000 Ethiopians to aid Troy.”
Moreover, what I am privately and personally learning from reading the authored books by intellectual giants, Black historians; is that some of them fail to remind us/my in their technical writings, that Biblical myths are not to ever be used to establish true history. Because mixing fiction with facts only corrupts the foundation of our research. Thus contaminate our thinking with Biblical characters who can’t even be proved, beyond a rational reason to doubt, ever existed. Those popularized persons named Noah, Abraham, Issac, Jacob, Moses, … inclusively, character such a King David & Son Solomon’s Kingdom of greatness. No evidence showing us the chronological historicity of the religious political personalities; other than the man made manufactured Bibles. Fraud in fact lies of leading liars!
Therefore, might I remember not to make the same senseless mistakes as too many of our passed away scholarly-academia minded men and women did. One can never use an untruth to prove a truth. For totally told truth has to be a stand alone, individual state of being in and of itself true. And we have to use references for real live sakes. Exactly like our ancient ancestors Africa’s Egyptian Sphinx, the towering twins and triplets of obelisks, great Pyramids. Evidence such as well preserved mommies, bodies, artifacts, etc. All else outside these truthful domains, may be considered hearsay, speculation, assumptions, conjecture and gallantly galloping gossip!!! Ya gotta to smarter than that!
Butt, of course, no longer falling for fools faith following what White males claim to be authentic artifacts; because he has the modern advanced technologies to falsify documents, concoct characters and place them into his false history. And he fabricates psuedo artifacts = fakes and phonies. So let us examine each and every single one of the elemental factors, and most of all never again on our dearly loved lives; completely trust this lying White man! Also many are liars and don't every realize or know that they are!!!
Historicide: means intentionally destroying, deliberately defacing, purposely erasing our truest ancient ancestral Africa’s “Malanian” historicity. Expressly those destructive distracters:: ’pale face” Semitic Arabs--Asiatic and Euro-centric humans of hateful Institutionalized Racism!!!
My meaningful definitions give We’s & Us’s currently cultured clean, crystal clear clarity. Seeing how the uncovered factors, elemental truths, says concisely that these Whites have done irreparable damages to the self-respect and dignity of ‘Blacks’! And hope to be able to keep on doing injustices and injuries to nonwhites; and or specifically; darker-shaded-toned-tanned talented human beings. Especially those like unto my own self, very powerful African-Africoid facial features, nappy-curly-kinky hair. Plus chemical processed free, natural looking everlasting Love Life Light Locks.
Dutifully Dare To NOTE : “In fact, the Phoenicians, a Negro people, more or less cousins of the Egyptians, served as their mariners throughout the period. Among other commercial exchanges between a civilized Egypt, and a then barbaric Europe, they engaged in the white slave trade. Io, as we have noted, kidnapped from Greece and sold to the Pharaoh for a high price, because her white skin was a rarity, merely symbolized that trade. It would be extremely difficult to deny or minimize the extent of such trading.”
So this then tattletale totally tell truthfully to y’all about how ‘Blacks’ were a free people and whites were the slaves, captives kidnapped, taken by force to Africa Egypt by the “Negro Egypto-Phoenicians”. Egoist arrogant ambitions that I KNOW, were wrong and wildly wicked. Equals = uncivilized acts and ungodly-unholy devilish deeds. They had no humane right doing this whatsoever, in gross violation of His Universal Laws + Her Natural Laws!!
Surely this is a crucially critical revelation indicating how these white historians, anthropologists and archeologists-scientists, are egregious-congenital-inveterate fraud in fact liars!!! Because the manners in which they have chose to write their Eurocentric historical accounts of actual activities; they also have elected to ignore-cover up and dismiss the well founded facts. Then they contrive their “Axis of Evil” Conspiracies wickedly working in cahoots collusion with each other, to confirm their fictitious findings. Those made up make believe notions that blacks have always been enslaved by whites, who falsely claim to be the "race" who created civilizations of ancient ancestral Africa. And I vehemently say: BULL SHIT!!!
Blackish-Bluish-Brownish Negroid Africoids had already established the Egyptian civilizations and civilly settled the Nile Valley; thousands of years, many multiple centuries far in advance, to the recent arrivals of foreigners. In spite of, whether or not they were captive white and yellow slaves, European or Asiatic-Semitic aliens. Regardless of if they happily migrated or immigrated, legally or illegally. Africa's Egyptians ruled vast territories and numbers of nations were under their protectorate domain as a unified force; inclusively Nubians of Nubia, Ethiopians of Ethiopia, Libyans of Libya + Sudanese of Sudan and this list goes on extensively. How these civilized, yet adventuresome, and captivating capitalist-imperialist-colonialist seriously and severely suffered: BLACK SUPREMACY Superiority Superpower Sickness Syndromes, spread pervasively into North East Africa, now called the Middle East of Asia.
PARALELLS + COMPARISONS + PRECEDENCE: Meaning that there were preceding processes of citizens captivities and enslavement; and likewise, I suppose, forced imprisonment of those entrapped. Arrested, kidnapped, accosted, molested, apprehend, so forth and so on. One could very easily assume or presumed this followed in suite of the initiating intrusions and interventions and invasions. And in some form or fashions, forcing the good-will and or ill-will upon others of their own “race” and that of those of the white “race”; ethnic and uncultured-uncivilized groups of Europe & Asia!!
No doubt maintained in my meaningful mind; through these patterned pathways of my artistic analysis and soundly sane synthesis: these marketeering, racketeers were also self-subjected victims of the Sorcerers Sinister System Snake Serpent SATAN!!!
KAMIC REACTIONS = Retribution-Retaliation-Reparations: In that history demands and commands compensation and the paying of punitive damages, one way or the other; and “by all means necessary”!!!
BLACKZ & WHITES: No material matter what the time periods are or were, pay back is a Mother F….er! Everybody gets there just rewards for wicked wrong doings, bad beastly barbaric behaviors. Sooner or later, now or latently!
Direly Consequently Today: It is the time period that the Whites have fallen from the free gift of grace, in gross violations of the humane “Race”. They, in such a relatively short span of time, rampantly ran their corrupt criminal courses of crazy Capitalistic CaucAsian Caucasoid creature corporate crap!!!
YES: It is somewhat hard and difficult for me to ignore the possibility, of intimidation, imposed dominion of neighboring states-countries surrounding he domineering Kings & Queens, Rulers or Pharaohs. Common senses says that they were not all so pleasant-peaceful and kindhearted, whatsoever. Criminal coercions, forced confessions, Terroristic Threats in some artless forms were made to compel compliance. Examples I can imagine were carried out by those in political power; that literally tormented and tortured their subjected victim. Expressly those who tried to resist being controlled and dominated by the INQUISITION OF INVADING, IMPOSING IMPOSTERS!!!
And I refuse to simply just glamorize and glorify them as heroic idols, gods of worship, regardless of their acquired worldly wisdom. My personal part played herein, is to redeem, reclaim, restore the glory of our most (prehistoric) Ancient Ancestral Africa Authentic Artistic Aesthetic Authorizes!!!!
Basically because…. THEY….were better beneficially blessed, before blatantly bad behaviors of barbaric beasts savagely evolved and others mutated into a vicious villainous virus. Thus converted and perverted into pathological + psychological diseases. Then in turn ruined grandly great Bright Brilliant Brains of original creative artsts-genesis geniuses; out off strife, contention, conflicts of interests, envy and jealously of brothers and sisters who inherited the talents and free gifts of grace. So these heathen mass murdered We's & Us's to try and silence our visions, envisioned insights, to deprive the monumental-pyramid building True-Up U-Turn Afrindian AritstCHDs = CHRIST HORUSHEART-DEITY = DIVININTY!!!
Huemain Civilizations living in actual existence upon the surface of planetary sphere earth! This specific ancestry and artistry, were in direct creative contacts with their/our SUNGOD’S Conscious Conscience COSMIC CREATOR.
How Do I Know How All About These Things? Well via Worthy Wealthy Womanhood’s Witty Wisdom Worship + The Afrindian HOLY GHOST SPIRIT OF TRUTH POWERED KNOWLEDGE = Know How!
YES: The Dignity Digital Divinity + Quarinity4, is innately-inborn better benefit blessings. Prehistory, of the whites man’s wrongly written history and his wicked witchcraft white whip “Cracker” “Honky” dory allegory mythological man made-manufactured story. The phenomenal collective digitized data of Natural + Universal Phenomena, are aptitudes intentional infinite intellectual intelligence inherited: SACRED SYMBOLS SECURE SAFE SECRETS = Messenger RNA + Mitochondria Dual-Double DNA CODES!!!
Nevertheless, howsoever, our Eco Electron Entity Energies, were smart enough to do some glorious artwork projects, intuitively and instinctively and spiritually. And thoroughly mixed SPIRITUALITY + SEXUALITY + SENSUALITY together as a holistic healthy unified ONE! Plus+, so that nobody, black-brown-blue, pink or white, could come alone, and get away with denying our truest existence. And spoiled into crooked-contaminated-corrupted decay, the greatest civilizations concurring culturally clean upon the surface of planetary sphere earth!
BUTT: BEWARE: So let us go all the way back as far as we can record some truer historiosity--adiposity. The excessive fat weight of worldly wickedness will wisely wither away with time. Meanwhile, remember to dutifully Note, that in the very beginnings, as I’ve written here my True-Up U-Turn Story Book Bible Blogs; that the Pink Pigmented People, produced their fair faced companions. Mutants who evolved into who we witness to be Whites. And they are the very first and foremost villainously violent-vicious viral infections of all humanity with their psychotic insanity of inhumanity.
FORTUNATELY: And their own scientist of the European Caucasoid Caucasian persuasions, wrote well about their own “race” and their historical “Savagery”; “Savage Beast Barbarians” of Barbaric Behaviors. And as revealed-recorded-reported thereof and herein; Whites were the ones who invaded Africa out of Eurasia now named Europe or Indo-Euro-Asiatic. Because the Yellows came about by the contacts between Blacks + Whites. Producing or generating Asians-Eurasians-Afrasians! Consequently Native-Indians or Afrindians and Arabs. Ultimately today: AmeriAfrindians!!!
As I have envisioned, plus based on these research studies reading the recorded writings, manuscripts and documents, books, etc. Definitively, and conclusively, these ambitious arrogant egoist “Black Egypto-Phonicians” were wittingly or unwittingly, knowingly or unknowingly, intentionally or unintentionally retaking, reclaiming what belonged to them first. Instinctively and intuitively, reinvading geographical land masses that originally belonged to Africa’s Africoids. And anthropology and archeology in scientific discoveries are solid ironclad proofs. Going far beyond any rational reason for a shadow of doubt, proving my perspective points punctually!
At this juncture in times passed away, compounded by today..., we witness words of racial prejudice, blatantly bias and bogus beliefs; about ‘Black Arts’; ‘Black Businesses’; ‘Owned by Blacks’; "All Black Radio"; which constitutes and equals- racist discrimination overtly and covertly. A hypocritical hostility hatred of that in which appears to be nonwhite, expressly, as the artworks actualizes authentic Africoid Africans. Making my case cause of action abundantly crystal clear and certainly clarified; that these historical and modern today Whites, have no good faith intentions of truly recognizing African Americans highest intellectual achievement successes.
To the contrary, they, overall and in general are being still taught racial prejudices via their mass murdering major mainstream media’s mad mentality. Perpetrating perpetually prejudicial problems, propagating pervasive politicized propaganda poisons. Thus glibly attaching all manners of stereotyped negative images with stigmas added, to undermine, degrade-denigrate Americanized Africans herein the continental United States of North America, and South & Centrals Americas and Institutionalized Racism worldwide = all around our GlobalWorldNations!!!

Plainly + Simply: Just listen and look closely at how these terrorist White pearly pink “pale faces”; fool themselves into believing in their own devilishness, ungodliness and un-holiness. To the demonic degree of absolute absurdity, ridiculous racketeering radicalism. Stupid, dumb, idiotic ignoramuses, they are, to say the least. Psychotic!
Our African Authentic-Aesthetic Artwork Appreciated, in spite of their dislikes, and lack of support systems on their parts; prejudiced opinions, unjust judgments: “This opinion did not change until the day it was recognized with amazement that Egypt was the Mother of all civilization. Then eyesight suddenly improved and it was possible to distinguish, on the frescoes where everyone had previously recognized Negroes, evidences of a “white race with red skin, “ a “white race with dark red skin, “ a “white race with black skin.” But they never distinguished, as Egyptians, a white race with white skin.”
So then yawls, even presently today, their poisonous political pre-programmed prejudices prevails prominently. Which prompts far too many African American Blacks, to jump ship, sellout like bootlicking stooges, brown nose snobbish egoists who have willingly taken of the corrupt contents of characters, that their filthy rich slave master white wicked witchcraft whip "Crackers". And would rather receive his stamp of approval, acceptance, even if it is superficial, than to grow up into matured adults, seek self-sustaining services to aid and help other struggling Africans in Americas.
Albeit, the unhealthy hideously hostile heathens of hatred, loves to see self-hate blocking back the healthful healing and curing the sicknesses and ailments and illnesses that were contagiously imposed upon us and are being inflicted upon our MultiplexRacialBody!
So be it, OK y’all, setting aside all unkind sorry ass ace of spade alibis and pitiful political excuses, people of darker toned-tanned shaded Melanianity; has a more meaningful mission. In fact along with my Sublimely Inspirited Commission Calling Cause, Anointed + Appointed Authentically Ascended Ancient Ancestral Africa’s Aesthetic Artworks =Artistry = Ministry. Period.
FREE AT LIBERTY'S LIBERATION = DIVEST ONE’S SELF OF ALL RACIALIZED RELIGIONS + POISONOUS POLITICS…OR ELSE: BlackZ & BrownZ; Sink surely, silently, suddenly along with the White mankind’s system of injustices: racists-sexists-egoists-fascists-supremacists seriously severely sick Supremacy Superiority Superpower Sickness Syndromes!!!
Musical Metaphysical Mediums, mp3 Color Kingdom New World Creative Arts + 21st Century CyberSpaceAge CyberJazzBluesRapP; HipP & LapP!! http://artistchd.webstarts.com/
About Me Myself I AM page: Saving Souls, Saving Kids, Children, Teenagers via Color Kingdom New World Creative Arts. http://artistchd.webstarts.com/about.html
5a. YES SEEDS SOWN SOLEMHNLY: Funky Soul Song Season. CyberJazzBluesRapP: HipP & LapP + Color Kingdom NWCA theme songs mp3. Yes it’s all about happy, healthy, holistic, heartily, humored SOULFOOD For Financially Free + Full Freedom of Artistic Expression! My expanded, excelled, elevated and enhanced, Wix Web site URL:
About Me Myself I AM page: Saving Souls, Saving Kids, Children, Teenagers via Color Kingdom New World Creative Arts. http://artistchd.webstarts.com/about.html
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