Prophet Poem:
Firstly full fledged financed foremost, Freedom of Artistic Expression uppermost; Surely seekers shall support the most; And deeply desire the happily help host: The highest heavens healing holy ghost._.....

Confidently Confirmed: Everything that I'm saying today shall surely surface and show success so soon; thus tomorrow. Manifest themselves into their monetary means, dollars and cents. Those processes are occurring right now as I write and think these thoughts to myself. Wednesday, December 3, 2014...6:13 pm.
I've learned to appreciate my own worth within me. My values and virtues are worthy of wealth; without worry.
I am prepared to receive a greater glory and has ascended and accelerated and advanced anointed artworks. In which, also, I Am.
I now know that nobody can get away with wrong doings, damaging others, deceiving them into losses. I realize that honesty is the best policy, to produce pure potency powered profitability.
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Paying Poem:
Excellently elevated, Expertly enhanced ANKH celebrated, Our Occupyneers optimally originated; Conscious conscience concurrently created; Compositions cleanly cured constellated: Completely class cultivated.__
ANKH AMEN-RA1 Sacred Spiritious Symbol2

Project Poem:
NO No no: More meaningless selfhatism selfishly so: Of the light or dark color of one’s skin must mandatory go; We all as One Hue-Main-Kind, feels how the whirling winds blow; Holistory’s Hue-Main-Rayz y‘all now know: Originally came crawling to and fro: All Africa Alpha-Alkebulan with a row and a hoe. Cultivating culinary crops to grow fast or slow: Under only One HueMainRight and left toe; HueMainLaw in rain waters sun ice and snow.__
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Reinvesting royal riches returns; Big banking bucks blazing burns; Every energetic effort earns; Like leadership lessons learns; Truth telling talented timetables totally turns.__
The old-school saving strategies are all outdated and obsolete; The U.S. Dollar bill is deflating - decreasing in value. And as the cost of living expenses go up at an accelerated ratio-rates. Therefore, you can't really win wealth that way. And the old-fashion financially funded foundations; are faulty and fundamentally flawed, even filled with frauds and fakers fooling investors. The USA & European Nations are predatory profiteers - parasitic pirates and preying mantis money mismanaging monsters; and mad men and wicked witch women!
CK-NWCA graciously gives you virtual - visual versatility; Values -virtues variability; Sacred Spiritious Symbols Secret Safe Secure Sanctuary stability; Some sound sane sensibility; Positively producing potently powerful profitability; Clean cultured capital cash currency comic chemistry co-created capability; Righteous reaping rendered royal riches reinvestment responsibility; Boldly bravely building big banking bucks benefactors believable-ity; Authentically authorized appointed and anointed artworks accountability.__
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....JESUSTICE-1 = JUDGMENT & JUSTICE: Juxtapose "Jesus" Jurisprudence = Jesusisis + Jesustisis. Creaively configuring cosmological concepts, celestial constellations and channeling communications. http://jesustice1.blogspot.com/
JESUSTICE-1 Kaleidoscope 257 & 252
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"I say this because I've seen it in my own life, In a nation that gave someone like me a chance. Because I grew up in Hawaii a melting pots of races and customs. Because I made Illinois my home. A State of small towns, rich farmland, one of the world's great cities, a microcosm of the country, where democrats, republicans, and independents. Good people, of every ethnicity and every faith. Sharing bedrock values."
Our children, I want them to know... that every child in every community that their lives matters.' As opposed to the thoughtless twisted terminology: "Black Lives Matters!"
Obama says; "I know because I won both of-um." Two elections is what he means, in response to a disrespectful Right Wing Republican "racist" reactionary. Sitting out in the listening audience making wiseacre criminal Cracker CauCrazian comments!
"I'm half black and I'm half white"; "mutts like me"; he proclaimed publicly back in about 2008-2009, during his election campaign. Brown skinned human; Humorously happy!
“It is amazing what you can bounce back from when you have to. We are a strong, tight-knit family who has made it through some very, very hard times.” My fellow Americans, we too are a strong, tight-knit family. We, too, have made it through some hard times. Fifteen years into this new century, we have picked ourselves up, dusted ourselves off and begun again the work of remaking America. We have laid a new foundation. A brighter future is ours to write. Let’s begin this new chapter together, and let’s start the work right now. Thank you. God bless you. (APPLAUSE) God bless this country we love. Thank you."
Love Peace & Harmony, Healing historical hate hegemony; Seeking soul searching serenity; Honest sincere integrity; Causing clean cultured civic community; Correct code of confidentiality; Counter combating inordinate impunity; Interjecting inoculating immunity.
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COLOR KINGDOM NWCA; adds more quality to your life in greater quantity. Conversely, you put yourself in a position to meet greater quality of persons, by having an invaluable conversational masterpiece. It reciprocates - returns and regenerates; rare rich royalties + righteously rendered ruling resources.
Inventive ideals + innovative ideas inputs; Increasing invaluable ingredients. Intentional ingested internalized investments. Involving immediate "Infinite Intelligence" intellectual invocation. Inciting Inspiriting Immaculate Imagination. http://www.colorkingdomnwca.com
Inventive ideals + innovative ideas inputs; Increasing invaluable ingredients. Intentional ingested internalized investments. Involving immediate "Infinite Intelligence" intellectual invocation. Inciting Inspiriting Immaculate Imagination. http://www.colorkingdomnwca.com
Providential Poem:
Positive proof providence; Pure prosperity’s presence; Poetic play performance; Love sex romance; Shall she surely stance; Delightfully digital dance; Playful pretty princess prance; Energetic exercises enhance; Human health hereon hence.__
Consciously conditioning creative cosmology; Totaling three testifying terminology; The Spirit + Mind + Body being biology; Cosmic Conscious Conscience Creative Chronology; Psychic-Phenomena Psychology; Portrait Picture Perceptive Phrenology; Pyramidal Panorama Physiology; Pure Potency Powered Phantom-Phatom-Physics1-ology; Reverse Racialism = returning "racist" ideology; Back in upon one's self without any apology; Butt by realizing RA-Rayziology; One choose to read reality righteously in physiology; Perfecting perceptive psychology. _
"Money: Master the Game"; Some sound sane; Senselessly saying the same; Buying big banking bucks bright brilliant brain; Identifying and investing into your own national name; Making more meaningful masterminds multimillionaires main; Marketing methods mandatory monetary must maintain; Not guilty gambling ghetto grownup gunslinger gangsters grain; Butt grassroots grounds green growths gallantry gain; I'm fit and healthy and I sustain.__ http://moneymasterthegame.com/
NO; absolutely not: We's & Us's do not need "Black Liberation" liabilities, in order to be set fully financially freed from failures. Our humanity-humankind is at stakes, not our 'blackness'.
"Money: Master the Game"; Some sound sane; Senselessly saying the same; Buying big banking bucks bright brilliant brain; Identifying and investing into your own national name; Making more meaningful masterminds multimillionaires main; Marketing methods mandatory monetary must maintain; Not guilty gambling ghetto grownup gunslinger gangsters grain; Butt grassroots grounds green growths gallantry gain; I'm fit and healthy and I sustain.__ http://moneymasterthegame.com/
NO; absolutely not: We's & Us's do not need "Black Liberation" liabilities, in order to be set fully financially freed from failures. Our humanity-humankind is at stakes, not our 'blackness'.
Proof Poem:
Basic big business better blessed buy: Now is the time to not complain and cry; So listen up closely as I tell y’all why; There’s no such sweet pie in the sky; It’s only somebody’s fraud in fact lie: So I tell you the total truths to truly try: And live long and do not early on die; Step up to the purchasing plate and never be shy.__
Wisely Wear Whole Wide Wold Wisdom with Love Peace & Harmony_Direct Link: http://store.payloadz.com/go/?id=1582463
YES: The worthier values and virtues of your mind is increasing in conjunction with your reading and consuming my wealthy words of witty wisdom. And in return, you are able to appreciate anointed artistry, and enjoy the pleasures of having a happier - healthier - higher quantity + quality of human life to lovably live. Are you reciprocating righteously?
My Main Website + weblogs - blogs are all "Search Engine Optimized = SEO"; The seeking - searching spiders, robots, crawlers are out looking for you on the go; Who and what I Am they already know; Googles & Yahoo are moving fast-forwards and never going slow; Whether the weather rains - freezes or snow; Genesis genius and gifts of grace gallantly grow.__
Personalized Psychic-Powers projects themselves from well within outwards; Taking on a course going fast-forwards; Constantly rising - elevating excelling upwards; Leaving far behind beginnings backwards; Letting go of those and things going downwards.__
My Main Website + weblogs - blogs are all "Search Engine Optimized = SEO"; The seeking - searching spiders, robots, crawlers are out looking for you on the go; Who and what I Am they already know; Googles & Yahoo are moving fast-forwards and never going slow; Whether the weather rains - freezes or snow; Genesis genius and gifts of grace gallantly grow.__
Personalized Psychic-Powers projects themselves from well within outwards; Taking on a course going fast-forwards; Constantly rising - elevating excelling upwards; Leaving far behind beginnings backwards; Letting go of those and things going downwards.__
I’m so soundly sensibly smart: Until I realize that I am as a dumb down dart;; Learnng lessons about how to fill up my shopping cart; And I am so dumbfounded until I realize that tort; I’m very much about an anuthentic sort: By creating COLOR KINGDOM New World Creative Arts; For all caring, compassionate, loving hearts; So pretty please purchase our material marts; Your T-shirts today true talented tarts; Sanely supporting some sacred starts, Doing your very smartest play performance parts.__
Precious Poem:Wexz and Usxz all came from Her herein hereon thereon;
The perfected place where early Earthors were baby birthed and blessedly born;
May a bad bygone; Be left in the past alone;
For She is all of our originating Motherland home._
Our Spiritual Renaissance Movement; Under One Hue-Main-Law + Hue-Main-Kind = Hue-Main-Rayz + Trayvon Martin’s Martyrdom melanin messiah murder = COLOR KINGDOM New World Creative Arts
or http://artistchd1.blog.com/
Lets say some simply samples; For instance, you buy-now, paid for purchase of a $10 digital design download. At the pixel size and format stated at PayLoadz via PayPal.
Now next, you decide to invest more money into increasing the size of the file format ipeg. Enlarging the digital design into life size museum quality artwork. Professionally photo-printed - production. Estimated cost of $50 more or less.
That's approx. about $60 total investment interest. After which, you market and sell that artwork at a higher profitable price of $110 upwards. Not at downwards Walmart lower scale prices; butt better beneficially, at upscale prices = $$$
You've reaped returns of $50 = 50%. royal richness = $$$. Then think about compounding your money making method. Doing it again repeatedly, receiving reciprocating returns. Basic building blocks, bigger banking bucks = booty and bounty!!
Howsoever, happy you are in business for yourself, as an enterprising entrepreneur, entertain this truth too. You are to share approx. about 10% to 12% of your (monthly) monetary profits, with COLOR KINGDOM New World Creative Arts; http://www.colorkingdomnwca.com
You're a rapid running Raceryst; overrunning and overriding, the Tax Collector. Never trying to cheat, evade paying your fair share of the taxes, Federal and or State (Internal Revenue Service).
Then, everybody is handsomely happy - humored and holistically healthy. While you are making all of the money you will ever need, in human life, so why worry about the costs for doing better beneficially blessed business?!
You & I are jumping - leaping - huddling far above the high rising costs of living expenses. We have no time to waste pussy footing around, leisure lazy lolly-gagging and diddy-bopping and hot-dogging. Turning timetables are of the essential economic essence!
Now next, you decide to invest more money into increasing the size of the file format ipeg. Enlarging the digital design into life size museum quality artwork. Professionally photo-printed - production. Estimated cost of $50 more or less.
That's approx. about $60 total investment interest. After which, you market and sell that artwork at a higher profitable price of $110 upwards. Not at downwards Walmart lower scale prices; butt better beneficially, at upscale prices = $$$
You've reaped returns of $50 = 50%. royal richness = $$$. Then think about compounding your money making method. Doing it again repeatedly, receiving reciprocating returns. Basic building blocks, bigger banking bucks = booty and bounty!!
Howsoever, happy you are in business for yourself, as an enterprising entrepreneur, entertain this truth too. You are to share approx. about 10% to 12% of your (monthly) monetary profits, with COLOR KINGDOM New World Creative Arts; http://www.colorkingdomnwca.com
You're a rapid running Raceryst; overrunning and overriding, the Tax Collector. Never trying to cheat, evade paying your fair share of the taxes, Federal and or State (Internal Revenue Service).
Then, everybody is handsomely happy - humored and holistically healthy. While you are making all of the money you will ever need, in human life, so why worry about the costs for doing better beneficially blessed business?!
You & I are jumping - leaping - huddling far above the high rising costs of living expenses. We have no time to waste pussy footing around, leisure lazy lolly-gagging and diddy-bopping and hot-dogging. Turning timetables are of the essential economic essence!
Co- creating compounded capital cash currency, cosmic creative chemistry, concurrent connected circuitry.
Devilish Demonic Devolving Deep Depression Diagnosis; 'Manic Depressive Psychosis'; Predatory politician-physicians prejudicial prognosis; Holding humans hostage inside a hateful hypnosis; Tactical terrorist treacherous tricksters thrombosis; Oceanic oncoming osmosis.__
SUNGODD DEITY; Truly trumps their terrifying terrorizing "God" of the alleged and assumed: "Holy Bible" "Old & New Testament"!!
Tomfoolery: Their foolish faith is a bogus belief, based upon who or what one chooses to believe; without any positive proofs. Expressly, in a religious rationalized reasoning.. Butt better beneficially bestowed blessed, by being an avid Bible reader and researcher, over my life's time, I have happily concluded that I personally don't KNOW, and never KNEW, who their make believe "God"; nor Who & What "He" is?
HEATXZ: Howsoever to me means helium + hydrogen., a creative cosmic chemistry and combustible circuitry. That's concurrently charged cycles causing climatic changes!
SOLARSUN: Simpler so said; Sovereign Solar Sexus Soul, Server + Savior. Spirit Source Science System's Sciessence Systream. A strictly specific scientific study, stopping spooky superstitions!!
In other wealthy words within world's witty wisdom, we're are to keep our full focus on optically optimized objectives; operating our organic organizations + organisms. Seeking sure Solar-Sun systems, sunshine to run and energize engines. Heat homes - housing, businesses - companies - corporations, as a primary potency powered Phantom-Phatom-Physics!
YES: Y'all now know that SOLARSUN, is our Solar System's one and only Server & Savior. Thus to stop-point-blank-period, politically plaguing + poisoning and polluting the public people's planetary populations. Primary Principality Protection Planet Mother Nature Earth!!!
Moreover, their imaginary, fictitious, fairy tale, folklore fallacy; man-made "God"; doesn't even exist, only inside their manufactured mindsets. And can't Co-Create nor Generate Genesis Genius, Gracious Gifts as The Grandly Great GENERATOR!!!
I've imagined and envisioned energy entities, every evolving, expanding exponentially. "Almighty Lord God"; that supposed to be above all other gods, to my Master Mind Melanin Messiah, means; ALL MIGHTY DIVINE GRACE!!!
I remove the singled - separated - segregated saying; "God" and attached it back into ancient ancestral Aboriginal Africoidians, All Alpha-Alkebulan-Africa. Correctly combined-compounded composition: SUNGODD DEITY, Divine Decreed Disc - Deified Dimensional Domain.
Officially our originating optical observation; Omnipresent ORIGINAT-ORG-ONE1 = ORGIGINATOR.
Solar Sungodd Deity1
Direct Link: http://store.payloadz.com/go/?id=1779743
COLOR KINGDOM NWCA: Is indubitably, a cosmic creative conscious controller; Courageous Commander Chief of compassionate comforts, clean cultured, compass capital cash currencies. Collective career commission calling cause, complete corrective clinical cure!....
Devilish Demonic Devolving Deep Depression Diagnosis; 'Manic Depressive Psychosis'; Predatory politician-physicians prejudicial prognosis; Holding humans hostage inside a hateful hypnosis; Tactical terrorist treacherous tricksters thrombosis; Oceanic oncoming osmosis.__
SUNGODD DEITY; Truly trumps their terrifying terrorizing "God" of the alleged and assumed: "Holy Bible" "Old & New Testament"!!
Tomfoolery: Their foolish faith is a bogus belief, based upon who or what one chooses to believe; without any positive proofs. Expressly, in a religious rationalized reasoning.. Butt better beneficially bestowed blessed, by being an avid Bible reader and researcher, over my life's time, I have happily concluded that I personally don't KNOW, and never KNEW, who their make believe "God"; nor Who & What "He" is?
watermarked and copyright 2018
Digital Design Direct Link: https://store.payloadz.com/go/?id=2579397
My Master Messiah Musical: https://store.payloadz.com/go/?id=2580917 = mp3
The Talented Theme Tune & Soulful Spiritual Song: Mp3 Kiwi6
Play List:
View Vimeo Video: https://vimeo.com/299049513
ANOINTED-1: This talented theme tune turns timetables to telling the total truths. Mind – Spirit and Soul: Searching song with a; hard hitting heavy bass bottom beat. Mountain moving mental modeling music. Yes y’all, it makes ya wanna-move and grove with the big time bandsman; and solitaire solo Musician-ArtistCHD1. https://art-anointed-1.blogspot.com/
HEATXZ: Howsoever to me means helium + hydrogen., a creative cosmic chemistry and combustible circuitry. That's concurrently charged cycles causing climatic changes!
SOLARSUN: Simpler so said; Sovereign Solar Sexus Soul, Server + Savior. Spirit Source Science System's Sciessence Systream. A strictly specific scientific study, stopping spooky superstitions!!
In other wealthy words within world's witty wisdom, we're are to keep our full focus on optically optimized objectives; operating our organic organizations + organisms. Seeking sure Solar-Sun systems, sunshine to run and energize engines. Heat homes - housing, businesses - companies - corporations, as a primary potency powered Phantom-Phatom-Physics!
YES: Y'all now know that SOLARSUN, is our Solar System's one and only Server & Savior. Thus to stop-point-blank-period, politically plaguing + poisoning and polluting the public people's planetary populations. Primary Principality Protection Planet Mother Nature Earth!!!
Moreover, their imaginary, fictitious, fairy tale, folklore fallacy; man-made "God"; doesn't even exist, only inside their manufactured mindsets. And can't Co-Create nor Generate Genesis Genius, Gracious Gifts as The Grandly Great GENERATOR!!!
I've imagined and envisioned energy entities, every evolving, expanding exponentially. "Almighty Lord God"; that supposed to be above all other gods, to my Master Mind Melanin Messiah, means; ALL MIGHTY DIVINE GRACE!!!
I remove the singled - separated - segregated saying; "God" and attached it back into ancient ancestral Aboriginal Africoidians, All Alpha-Alkebulan-Africa. Correctly combined-compounded composition: SUNGODD DEITY, Divine Decreed Disc - Deified Dimensional Domain.
Officially our originating optical observation; Omnipresent ORIGINAT-ORG-ONE1 = ORGIGINATOR.
Placement Poem:
Artistically I Express: My Mastermnd Melanin Messiah I stress; An old-age-ancient Solar Sexus Soul fearless; Drew the decorated dress, Painted portrait pictures put to press; Upon various material matter without recess; Hard clay stones, rocks to bless; The caves, temple walls with no excess; Written on sculptured statues, huge monuments nothing less.__
Of which ancient artworks are still presently existing right now today, in Kemet + Eygpt = KEMEGYPT.
Purified Poem:
There is (biologically) no “Black Race”_ There is no “White Race”;There’s no such of thing as a “Superior Race”; These labels are a radicalized religious disgrace; Poisonous propaganda pollutions politicized place; There can only be a bio-balanced bodily base; So scientifically stated straight terrestrial trace: Of course cautiously can certainly craze; I prefer to use the time tested true term: Hue-Main-Rayz.SORCERERS: Stockpiling politicized profits; paid psychopaths, amassing multi-millions of U.S. Dollars doing devilish-demonic deeds. They're destined to come top-tier tumbling back down destructively!
I am adding atmospheric attitudes and at accelerating altitudes. Expressing energized entities, as elements entering the esoteric extraterrestrial energies of the Ethereal realities that be. Co-creating cosmic chemistry, causing concurrent conditions, concomitant circuitry.
YES: As the tall towering top tier tycoons, treacherous tricksters, terrorist tyrants toss, then tumble thus terminated, the underground and grassroots green growths, can cleanly culturally come up!
Therefore, the middle - upper class categories, are cut off, severed asunder by The Sharp-Two-edged \Sword; according to this wisely written word. Their sinister sorcery stockpiled, and thrown into the heated heap of the hottest Hades hell hole!
This is the positive process to Stop-Point-Blank-Period, other smaller snake serpents, little greedy gluttons, from taking their places after they are ousted and overturned. Or they simply run the course of their timetables to total termination!
The Negative Image of Black = White!! The Negative Image of White = Black!!
When wicked witchcraft "White wealth" withers away, We's & Us's are not replacing it with bogus branded "Black wealth". Butt better beneficially born blessed by being; holistic Humanity-Humankind Health; in which, is the truest worldwide wealth!
The BlacKlanz bandits all arrive as activists; after another African in America is shot down dead in the city streets by an angry Aryan-Anglo-American "White" police officers. Commonly called Caucasian citizens, criminal cops!
They try to trick those who're emotionally charged, having hurting hearts and suffering feeling; to think that they're are being targeted and aimed at and "racially profiled" due to them being bio-bodily "Blacks" = A bunch of bull baloney - blatantly bad beliefs. It's basically because we're Hue-Mains of our one only; Hue-Main-Rayz vs "Race"!!
BUTT BEWARE: "Buy Black": This truly is their hidden "black agenda", ulterior motives of The BlacKlanologists. Making more money off of the lives and deaths of others. Predatory profiteers, planning + plotting to profit from the tears, trials and tribulations and grief imposed upon parents, mothers and fathers, sisters and brothers of the slain and murdered and martyred. My melaninated membrane minority-majority members. Bluish - blackish, brown - reddish - yellowish superficial surface skin shades. People of cosmetic coloration complexions. And artificial appearing attributes as American and African ancestry ascent!
They can care less for brown skinned citizens of America as Africans; esp. who wear their pants down below their waits and butts showing. Ostensibly offensive and openly obscene!
Mr. Michael Brown, fatally fail into this thug type style. In which, I think is their business, like everything else, under the commonly call CONSTITUTION!
Howsoever, I Know, by hearing them talk on online alternative media, slandering, crucially criticizing citizens, who are impoverished inner-city urban youths. Living in gutter ghettos as poor people of color. These self-righteous BlacKlan Negroes, are the truest Nationalist Niggers, and I did not say, Niggas!
In other words, they're the sole ones, bringing deaths and destruction, upon those who look like they do. Politically putting these thuggish kids down, never giving them any moral nor monetary support. So they turn to the streets, showing out, trying to be; "Somebody"special!
Yet as soon as one of these thug teenagers, get shot down in hot-cold blood, one way or the other, by who is identified; "White"; the "race card" comes into play. Broadcast by the local and major mainstream media's news reports, then, here come running racists, reacting replying-responding racially. To the reality of "Racism"!!
Do y'all really think or believe that the White Ku Klux Kan & Nationalist Neo-Nazis, can't tune in and hear how these "Black Talk Radio" ; "Black Liberation Radio"; "Black Autonomy Radio"; show hosts and guest speakers are spiritually, mentally castrating and hanging those dropping their pants down low. And also frightfully fear them too!
Hating hip hop gangster rappers who're for real. Systemically - systematically robbing and raping the thug types out of their manhood; womanhood?
So then, what I'm saying is the big bully "Black" bandits, boastfully bragging bout; "Black Power"; wantonly wished WhitTie whip Cracker CauCrazian cops, kill kids. The BlacKlan secretly summoned The White-Klan. To do their underhanded dirty works of wickedness and wrong doing. They brought it on!
COLOR KINGDOM NWCA, is my Master Mind Messiah mental models, mastered methods, instead of managed mindsets. There's no blacklist looser leaderships, blackboard of directors dictating digitized dollars! (Divine Decreed Deliberated Dividends = $$$)
The BlacKlanz bandits all arrive as activists; after another African in America is shot down dead in the city streets by an angry Aryan-Anglo-American "White" police officers. Commonly called Caucasian citizens, criminal cops!
They try to trick those who're emotionally charged, having hurting hearts and suffering feeling; to think that they're are being targeted and aimed at and "racially profiled" due to them being bio-bodily "Blacks" = A bunch of bull baloney - blatantly bad beliefs. It's basically because we're Hue-Mains of our one only; Hue-Main-Rayz vs "Race"!!
BUTT BEWARE: "Buy Black": This truly is their hidden "black agenda", ulterior motives of The BlacKlanologists. Making more money off of the lives and deaths of others. Predatory profiteers, planning + plotting to profit from the tears, trials and tribulations and grief imposed upon parents, mothers and fathers, sisters and brothers of the slain and murdered and martyred. My melaninated membrane minority-majority members. Bluish - blackish, brown - reddish - yellowish superficial surface skin shades. People of cosmetic coloration complexions. And artificial appearing attributes as American and African ancestry ascent!
They can care less for brown skinned citizens of America as Africans; esp. who wear their pants down below their waits and butts showing. Ostensibly offensive and openly obscene!
Mr. Michael Brown, fatally fail into this thug type style. In which, I think is their business, like everything else, under the commonly call CONSTITUTION!
Howsoever, I Know, by hearing them talk on online alternative media, slandering, crucially criticizing citizens, who are impoverished inner-city urban youths. Living in gutter ghettos as poor people of color. These self-righteous BlacKlan Negroes, are the truest Nationalist Niggers, and I did not say, Niggas!
In other words, they're the sole ones, bringing deaths and destruction, upon those who look like they do. Politically putting these thuggish kids down, never giving them any moral nor monetary support. So they turn to the streets, showing out, trying to be; "Somebody"special!
Yet as soon as one of these thug teenagers, get shot down in hot-cold blood, one way or the other, by who is identified; "White"; the "race card" comes into play. Broadcast by the local and major mainstream media's news reports, then, here come running racists, reacting replying-responding racially. To the reality of "Racism"!!
Do y'all really think or believe that the White Ku Klux Kan & Nationalist Neo-Nazis, can't tune in and hear how these "Black Talk Radio" ; "Black Liberation Radio"; "Black Autonomy Radio"; show hosts and guest speakers are spiritually, mentally castrating and hanging those dropping their pants down low. And also frightfully fear them too!
Hating hip hop gangster rappers who're for real. Systemically - systematically robbing and raping the thug types out of their manhood; womanhood?
So then, what I'm saying is the big bully "Black" bandits, boastfully bragging bout; "Black Power"; wantonly wished WhitTie whip Cracker CauCrazian cops, kill kids. The BlacKlan secretly summoned The White-Klan. To do their underhanded dirty works of wickedness and wrong doing. They brought it on!
COLOR KINGDOM NWCA, is my Master Mind Messiah mental models, mastered methods, instead of managed mindsets. There's no blacklist looser leaderships, blackboard of directors dictating digitized dollars! (Divine Decreed Deliberated Dividends = $$$)
I look at making money not as an end; butt, as means to an everlasting evolving - endless greater glory; gifts of grace. That goes on and on and on optimally.
WhitTies: = Tycoons tying together their trusts - talents. For instance; "Not only has Buffett been phenomenally successful in business, but also he's become one of the most generous philanthropists in history pledging 99% of his vast personal fortune to charity through the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation.'.
OK YAWLS: I can't afford to pull any political punches, excusing, billionaires, Bill Gates, for his persistent interfering and meddling with Aboriginal Africoidians, Africa's affairs!
Using his money to terrorized the tissues, treating them with toxic chemicals, clinical concoction. In the falsified - fraudulent name of "HIV" infections, supposedly causing AIDS!!!
Pretentious Philanthropy: Purposely pushing the political propaganda, of pharmaceutical prescription pills, poisoning + polluting - plaguing; the public people's planetary populations!
They're tying "racist" repressive ropes around Africans necks, via nationalized negative nooses. Strangleholds choking the very life out of our originating organic organisms. These tyrannical tycoons, terrorist thugs!
A Top Tier Tall Order: COLOR KINGDOM NWCA, is here, to force them to Stop-Point-Blank-Period. Polluting + poisoning the planet MOTHER NATURE EARTH!!!
I personally don't give a good-god Devil Damn, about who they think they are. Nor how prominent - popular in profits they produce. The amount of money they possess and own, mean absolutely nothing to my Master Mind Melanin Messiah!
Their offspring oncoming generations of children, are not going to inherit as heirs, to their left behind founding fathers fame and fortunes and financial funds foundations. What they have is to be taken away along with westernized worldly wealth = Sociopath Slavers Savings $$$ stockpiled shares, secretly stored shelters!!
Arthiest Actionaries are also acclaiming, allocated assets and accumulated affluence, accrued advances = accurately ascertains, and attributed accordingly. Aggrieved Afro-African-Americans, Aboriginal Africoidian's approximately about; 10% to 12% of the USA's Wealth Worldwide!!
Every economic edge existing, entrapped - enslaved We's & Us's one wicked witchcraft WhitTies western way or the oppressors other. Created criminalizing color codes, civic conditions of corruption, causing concurring curses, citywide - countywide - countrywide, cross-continental!!!
We will git over it when we overcome it, and outcome is insured income =$$$.
TRUTH: These terrorist tyrants, thus tycoons, have historically used their money in the multimillionaires, to wage-warfare worldwide, against Africa & Asia. Planetary people of cosmetic coloration complexions, all around our optical orbiting, Global-World-Nations!!!
The tyrant tycoons financial fortunes, flowing funds, all feeds back into their sinister sources, satanic system; of "Racism White Supremacy" Superiority Superpower Slave Ships; = seriously severe sickness syndromes!!!
No individual person, human bio-bodily being, needs to amass and accumulate, to themselves, billions of U.S. Dollars. It's insane and inhumane!!
Historical heroes and a legendary leaders, are their terrorist thug tycoon-tyrants turned into. Glorified for mass murdering millions. My melaninated minority membrane majority members!
Not at all am I impressed, by billionaires big banking bucks. Butt, it's nice to know, how they acquired and accumulated affluence?! Who and where they took it from and when, what timetables, frames of references?! To exactly what so commonly called charity, did they contribute capitalized cash currency to?
I like and love reading and researching realities, rationally and reasonably. So as to see with crystal clear clarity. The truest nature of the barbaric behaving beasts!
My take on it all is going to always be very unique, original and creative. Different than anybody else's politicized point of views and opinions. And I don't intend to stoop like some stupid stooges, sycophants, nor suck-up to anyone; whosoever!
Nobody is any better and more deserving than I am. This is in fact, my timetable turn, to come up. Giving it my best shot, right now today!
Anyone attempting to stop - impede - interior with or obstruct my Divine Decreed Deliverance, Deliberated Digitized Dollars, are automatically Devil Damned to death and destruction and demise!!!
CK-NWCA, automates a native natural defense; innately, ten times more important than an offense. Protecting those participating in its prospective profitability + providential prominence. http://www.colorkingdomnwca.com
'The world changes so fast. If you go and look right now, the valuation of both stocks and bonds, in the United States are both ridiculously overvalued. And cash is worthless, so what do you do with your money? Well, it is a time when to hold 'em, and a time when to fold em." (Warren Buffett)
Shifting sane sound sensibility, saves you from suffering severe setbacks. The present stocks are sunken, yet, made to artificially appear afloat. The bonds are surreptitiously superficial on their stealthy seafaring surfaces!
'The world changes so fast. If you go and look right now, the valuation of both stocks and bonds, in the United States are both ridiculously overvalued. And cash is worthless, so what do you do with your money? Well, it is a time when to hold 'em, and a time when to fold em." (Warren Buffett)
Shifting sane sound sensibility, saves you from suffering severe setbacks. The present stocks are sunken, yet, made to artificially appear afloat. The bonds are surreptitiously superficial on their stealthy seafaring surfaces!
Proving Poem:
Yes you are responsible for your internalized change; And I am accountable as an artist arrange; Realized renditions of a rare rich royal range: Noting weird, mysteriously strange.__
Confidently Confirmed: Everything that I'm saying today shall surely surface and show success so soon; thus tomorrow. Manifest themselves into their monetary means, dollars and cents. Those processes are occurring right now as I write and think these thoughts to myself. Wednesday, December 3, 2014...6:13 pm.
I've learned to appreciate my own worth within me. My values and virtues are worthy of wealth; without worry.
I am prepared to receive a greater glory and has ascended and accelerated and advanced anointed artworks. In which, also, I Am.
I now know that nobody can get away with wrong doings, damaging others, deceiving them into losses. I realize that honesty is the best policy, to produce pure potency powered profitability.
I've learned to appreciate my own worth within me. My values and virtues are worthy of wealth; without worry.
I am prepared to receive a greater glory and has ascended and accelerated and advanced anointed artworks. In which, also, I Am.
I now know that nobody can get away with wrong doings, damaging others, deceiving them into losses. I realize that honesty is the best policy, to produce pure potency powered profitability.
WEXZ & USXZ: are actually reclaiming our origins, of Ancient Africa Egypt-Kemet = KEMEGYPT! Make no mistakes about it! An all and in all inclusive, inception, reception righteously realized RAYZ.
Thus to try and deny, destroy another Rayzial (racial) ethnic-group of their truest talented Holistory Heritage Health Hotep: is in fact, hideously hostile hatemongering Hades hell hegemony, and whipper-WhitTie wicked witchcrafts! Can you completely comprehend the concurring consequences, direly demonic, Divinely Decreed Devil Dam-nation?!.http://holistory-heritage.blogspot.com/
NOTE: If you choose to use one of my letters, sacred spiritual syllabic symbols; then therefore, through true trustworthy transparency, I expect that you make monetary dollar donations, to COLOR KINGDOM New World Creative Arts. How much money = ???
Happy Heartfelt Donation button located at the bottom of this Main Web site linking URL: http://www.colorkingdomnwca.com/color_kingdom_blogs-music_art.htm
Thank You For Faithfully Serving CK-NWCA.
Our Primary Purpose Is To Unify Humanity!
MAAT Matriarch + Patriarch_male+female
MAAT Matriarch + Patriarch_male+female
Pleasing Poem:
Pleasing Poem:
Mother Madam Ms Matriarch MaaTrix: She’s of the Electromagnetic Field Cosmic Color Complex; Fine fit feminine female family foundational fix; Her green grassroots ground growth melanin mix; Manifest material matter matrix._
PayLoadz Direct Link :
ANKH: NOUN: ‘A cross shaped like a T with a loop at the top, especially as used in ancient (Africa) Egypt (and or Kemet), as a sacred Spiritious symbol of love-life-light locks-lords. Also called ansate cross.’.....
This definition was updated + upgraded by Me Myself I AM The Original Creative ArtistCHD AmeriAfrindian; appointed anointed ascendant Africoidian of All Alpha-Alkebulan Africa!
It represents the concept of eternal life, Love Peace And Harmony, practicing principle, positive philosophies of MOTHER MAAT. In which is the general meaning of the symbol.the Egyptian gods; high priests = scientists - chemists; are often portrayed carrying it by its loop, or bearing one in each hand, arms crossed over their chest.’.....
OUR ORIINALTING HOLISTORY HERITAGE HEALTH + HOTEP HEALING HUE-MAINITY. “The origin of ankh is highly debated”; is a fraud in fact lie of leading liars, preduced people or even "racist" religious radicals. There’s absolutely no debate about its origin!
Only some senseless sociopath superiority supremacists, wicked witchcraft WhitTies = evil enemy energy entities, Eu-Rope-ans, commonly called Caucasian Caucasoidians, try to play colorblind. Staying stupidly in a psychotic state of denial, that these original human bio-bodily beings, were Africans, Afrindians, Africoidians, and very deep dark-shaded skinned + toned-tanned Negroidians.
Of Z-Blac-Keyz x Z-BlackRayz. AfricOriginals + AlbinOriginals having lighter pale pink pigmentation, cosmetic coloration complexions. And the true talented ANKH, is represented as the Solar SUNGODD DEITY, by an oval or point-down teardrop set atop a T shape, Deified design.
YES: 'A perfectly portrayed picture speaks, says a multitudes of wiser words, more melaninated member membranes = Multiplex-Rayzial-Bodies, born blessed!
MAATRIX Direct Link:http://store.payloadz.com/go/?id=1582465
Appropriately Approx. about 10% to 12% of our Decent Good GREAT WHITE HOPE ABOLISTIONIST Minded Men & Women _ Know _exactly what I’m talking all about. Historians, who’re culturally clean, completely cured Caucasoid Caucasians of the cold climate Caucus Cave mountain areas of Europe & Asia.…
Inappropriately, about approx 80% to 90%, so said “White Race”; are actually ignorant, intentionally ignoring, factual RAYZIAL vs. Racial realities. Facial features, cosmic color complexions, contextual character contents. Even as the whole wide world web, has climatically changed, current conditions causing civic changes, they persist and insist inordinately; on being bogusly bias bigots. Also; blatantly bad “Black” bastardized bitchcrafts!
Even though, y’all are often hearing me say that there is not necessarily, any such thing as a biological bodily being born: “Human Race” “White Race & Black Race”!! Butt, blessedly, believe my telling you that there are humans rushing, in factual realities, RACES, running real fast forwards for financial funds, fortunes, fames, family foundations!
Perceptive Poem:
Races running after Africa’s Rare Rich Royal Resources; And CK-NWCA righteously realizes recourses; And that is what I’m talking about bad marriages and divorces; When I personally as a unique individual invents invoices; Calm cool collected choices; Very vivid vibrant voices; Riding real road running races Rose Royces.__ ....
Positive Poem:
Wexz & Usxz are real running Raceryst; Restoring resources rare royal richest; Righteously realized readers who wisely resists; Those polluting public pessimists; Prejudice persons whose poisonous propaganda persists; Even the terrifying torture terrorists; Because basically we’re past-post pardon racists._
Courageously, COLOR KINGDOM New World Creative Arts, commandingly counter-combats-competitively, these terrorist thugs, recalcitrant religiosity Reptilians! Meaning my mastermind melanin messiah mental models: RAYZ vs. “RACE”; and RACERYSTS vs. “RACISTS”!!....
Prophetic Poem:
Our original organic optimizations; Orderly orgasmic organizations; All across clean cultured Global-World-Nations; Interesting internalized innovations; Intelligent indwelling inventions; Involved intellectual intentions; Of the imminent immaculate imaginations._
Primary Poem
Artworks appropriately applied; Divinely decreed deified; Deliberated decisively digitized: Clean cultured compositions computerized; Purposely portrayed personalized; Power perfectly prioritized; Producing pure profits publicized; Artistic anointing authentically authorized; Arthiest ANKH Atom Amen-Ra Rayzially realized.__
Direct Link: http://store.payloadz.com/go/?id=1582555

Equals = Ecology + Economy = EcoEnergystics = 100%+$$$
Your Paid Purchase Pays Off In the Invested Near Financial Future!
Prosperity Poem:
Who on planet Earth; Would ever think of something like this to give birth._ True talented-testified terrestrial turf; So said seafaring surf._ Rightly rendered rendezvous razzmatazz; Our Original Creative AmeriAfrindian ArtistCHD has.__
Direct Link: http://store.payloadz.com/go/?id=1582557

ANKH3 Atom Amen-Ra SSS1
Anglo-African-Americans, Afrindians, AmeriAfrindians, Africoidians +
Afrasians-Afro-Asiatic, Afro-Latin-Mexicans - Mixiafricans,
Afri-Negroidians, Afri-Caucasoidians,
Afric-Asiati-Caucasians, Afri-Cauc-Asians =
All Alpha-Alkebulan Africa's Ascendants!!!
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ANKH AMEN-RA3 Sacred Spiritious Symbol = Digital Print
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ANKH3 Amen-Ra SSS2
Positive Poem:
Legendary leading love life light locks; Finance freedom flying flocks; Deliberated decisions duly date docks; Winding up the timely tick tocks; Artifacts founded upon brown and red rocks; Some soft soothing socks; No more meaningless mocks: And noise fighting cocks; Just Jack and Jill and joking jocks.__
Would you like to give it a try?
Products 1 to 4 of 14
ARTISTRIX + ARTRIX: Artistic Poem:
Art is a sovereign solar science:
A systemic system needing no human reliance;
As an Arthiest arranged all alliance;
Its everlasting laws compels compliance;
Cosmic core CREATOR’S conscience.__
Art is a sovereign solar science:
A systemic system needing no human reliance;
As an Arthiest arranged all alliance;
Its everlasting laws compels compliance;
Cosmic core CREATOR’S conscience.__
Designs display at my shop-store SpreadShirt:
Designs display at my shop-store SpreadShirt:
The transfer of leaning these leaderships lessons, are evolving as I write the wealthy words of wisdom.
You shop sincerely, stocking up on Sacred Spiritious Symbols. Showing shares, stakes strategically storing them safely and securely; somewhere, someplace; some-space-station = secret sanctuary. You become yourself made stockbroker. You increase their values + virtues verily!
Economics Exchange Stock Shares: Buy Now your showcased stocks at PayLoadz via PayPal. Download Dignity Digital Divinity Diamond Designs; deliberately diversifying.. Bravely and boldly build up your owned picturesque portfolio. For financial + economical + aesthetic appeal!
All notoriously known nest eggs, no monetary matter which ones, The Big Bully Boys, bad brokers, completely controls. They have the inside scoop simply due to them being the true insiders. And anyone as outsiders, will always remain outside. That’s the name of the game. Period.
Therefore we’re wisely co-creating our owned stock shares + showcased stakes, Sacred Spiritious Symbols; (small samples) then mass marketing them, making more meaningful multimillionaires, monetary mental models, modes and methods.
Now Wexz & Usxz, have inside trading, truncations to and from financially fit foundations funding – flows. As holistic healthy humanity-humankind. Not as some senseless, silly Color Coded causes commonly called :”The Black Codes” and the White Codes, concocted concepts, curses causing complex confusions, civil conflict and combustible chaos. Counter-co-creating clean cultured capital cash currency!!!
You shop sincerely, stocking up on Sacred Spiritious Symbols. Showing shares, stakes strategically storing them safely and securely; somewhere, someplace; some-space-station = secret sanctuary. You become yourself made stockbroker. You increase their values + virtues verily!
Economics Exchange Stock Shares: Buy Now your showcased stocks at PayLoadz via PayPal. Download Dignity Digital Divinity Diamond Designs; deliberately diversifying.. Bravely and boldly build up your owned picturesque portfolio. For financial + economical + aesthetic appeal!
All notoriously known nest eggs, no monetary matter which ones, The Big Bully Boys, bad brokers, completely controls. They have the inside scoop simply due to them being the true insiders. And anyone as outsiders, will always remain outside. That’s the name of the game. Period.
Therefore we’re wisely co-creating our owned stock shares + showcased stakes, Sacred Spiritious Symbols; (small samples) then mass marketing them, making more meaningful multimillionaires, monetary mental models, modes and methods.
Now Wexz & Usxz, have inside trading, truncations to and from financially fit foundations funding – flows. As holistic healthy humanity-humankind. Not as some senseless, silly Color Coded causes commonly called :”The Black Codes” and the White Codes, concocted concepts, curses causing complex confusions, civil conflict and combustible chaos. Counter-co-creating clean cultured capital cash currency!!!
Progress Poem
Spirituality is a righteous rich royal reality;
She’s sovereign SOLARSUN’S shinning sexuality;
Solemn sown seed sensuality.__
I am charting my course, completely clean cultured; being very careful, cautious, making dog-gone sure that I’m not involved with any types of crimes, criminal corruptions, crooked causes! Absolutely and positively not! How about yawls? You?.....
Would you like to make your purchase online; utility tools, or by emailing me a respectful request for files, or other options like having the various digital photo-print shops, studios, do the job for you? Surely it's a Win Win situation and satisfying service!! Anyway, may I please have your business?
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Investment input-ingenuity, investor’s interests; incentives3 + initiatives. Intelligent investing. Entrusted economics, financial funds foundation - fruition. Safe secure savings, digital dollar deposits + deliberated donations. Profitable promoted pensions = Promocratic vs. Democratic!!
Embrace, Enjoy, Enhance, Elevate, Enrich Your Lifestyle.
Pleasing Poem
Services and sales, saving solar sexus souls; My mastermind messiah mental model molds, Revenue raising Rare Rich Royal recourse rolls, Divinely decreed digital designs ‘n droll tolls; Originating from the ancient Africoidian days of olds._
BLAC-KEYS QUESTIONS; Would you like for me to design some type of artworks, letterings, for you? Performing my mastermind magic? Do you have some unique ideas, creative concepts that I could composed into a pleasing picture, portrait presentation?
Pleasant Poem:
Time tested true; Talented team T-shirts thus to: Transform all of you: Spiritually and mentally into; A highly confident person is what they will do; Rare rich royalty all the way through; The individuals wearing them are who.__....
Beautesou Blessity; By Which Divine Royalty Entitles Your Majesty,
An Honorable Salute of Beauty; And Grand Grace For Our Holistic Honesty;
And Total Truth Telling Trustworthy; Gracious Good Given to all earthly HueMainity._
Positive Poem:
Completely committed creating capital cash currency; Changing concurring conditions climatic concurrency; Resource revenue rare rich royalty regency; Meaningful money made merchant mercy; Yes it’s an energetic emergency; So act now today truly upon urgency.__
CustomInk: “Digital printing is not a heat transfer or appliqué. With digital printing, we take your design straight from the computer and print it directly onto your garment. We've got this method down to an art form, which means that even photographic images can be reproduced in all their glorious detail.” In the beauteous tourist City of San Antonio, Texas. HOME:
Polite Poem:
Rare Rice Royalty resourcefulness; And nothing unworthiness less; Be brave, bold, beautifully bestowed to truly bless; Positive promotions picturesque process; Productive performance progress; Are the profitable propositions we publicly profess.__
Professed Poem
Actualized artistic actions; Persistent performed passions; Financed fitness formed fractions; Firstly foremost fair fabric fashions; Consistent concurring capital cash cushions; Immaculate imaginations illustrations._
Rare Rich Royal Pattern, to be photo-printed on various fabric fashions, headscarves, handkerchiefs, pillow cases, place mats, drapes, wall hangings. You use your creative imagination!
Pale Poem:
Your universal uncle ANKH; Is no radical religious monk: Nor stinking smelling skunk; And never drink alcohol to become a dirty drunk; Yet having a huge hunk; Of body fat trimmed down off the trunk; Stop eating so much foolish junk; Fine fit feminine female figures that can not fatally flunk.__
Prodigy Poem:
Our personalized power compacted; Extraordinary excellence elegantly exacted; Existing energy elements expertly extracted; Impressionable young ladies immediately impacted.__
.....CK-NWCA is offering original open opportunities, to all aspiring advocates, associates, affiliates, enterprising entities each, who will want to use my mastermind artworks, Dignity Digital Divinity Diamond Designs, and artfully apply then. To textile manufactured materials, make personalized postcards, greeting gifts of grace, finely framed pictures. Thus to innovate and create their own operational organization, small business, art museum of delighting designee displays. Develop your customized - professional portfolio, producing personal profits = $$$ Are you ready, willing and able to invest wellness wealth within yourself?
Tax exemptions are involved with the Internal Revenue Service, and they permit tax deductions for money donated to politicized non-profit groups. It's a very crooked - corrupt system! No, I’m not interested in such arrangement. Therefore one who is interested, can contribute capital cash currency, to my Courageous Career Commission Calling Cause, caringly, compassionately concerned. Whatsoever taxes are justly due are paid _ Period.
Albeit, I am graciously giving so much, many meaningful things, artworks away for financially free. By All Mighty Divine Grace, gifts of gratitude! And to truly show your appreciation, then, may you return righteousness, rewards in a reciprocal rare rich royal monetary manner. Amounts at your discretion, Divinely Decreed Dollar Donations = $$$
“Gifts are Not Taxed: Publication 525 from the U.S. Internal Revenue Service, "Taxable and Non-Taxable Income," states that money received as a gift "is not included in your income." Although, the income you might make off of the free gifts of grace, are taxzble!
“Derivative Income: If you receive a gift that itself produces income, the income produced must be reported on your taxes. For example, if you receive a $10,000 certificate of deposit as a gift, the initial value of the gift is not reportable income. However, any interest earned from the CD is considered ordinary income and must be reported.”
Those citizens who really needs help, will appreciate your gifts of gratitude of giving. Although, on the other hand, gamers think that they've gotten over on you. Playing games with your finical feelings and economic emotions.
I'm personally grateful for financially free weblogs, blogging at Wordpress & Blooger, and all of the others offering open opportunities, to express ourselves. Plus+ post portrait picture prescriptions. A published platform to project positive perceptions, products - principles and philosophies. They help me and CK-NWCA, and We's & Us's help them too!
"Before we discuss where to put your money and what to look for, I have to show you what to look out for." (T.Robbins)
MYTHOLIGIONS: = Myths & Fraud In Fact Lie of Leading Liars: "The war on drugs"; 'Fighting crime'; 'Tough on crime'; 'fighting terrorism'; 'War on poverty'; '"Homeland Security"; 'National Defense'. Inclusively, "Stand your ground laws"; "Three strikes laws"; "Stop and frisk laws"...!
I'm personally grateful for financially free weblogs, blogging at Wordpress & Blooger, and all of the others offering open opportunities, to express ourselves. Plus+ post portrait picture prescriptions. A published platform to project positive perceptions, products - principles and philosophies. They help me and CK-NWCA, and We's & Us's help them too!
"Before we discuss where to put your money and what to look for, I have to show you what to look out for." (T.Robbins)
MYTHOLIGIONS: = Myths & Fraud In Fact Lie of Leading Liars: "The war on drugs"; 'Fighting crime'; 'Tough on crime'; 'fighting terrorism'; 'War on poverty'; '"Homeland Security"; 'National Defense'. Inclusively, "Stand your ground laws"; "Three strikes laws"; "Stop and frisk laws"...!
YES; You are not only buying now today, just to have and to hold, butt by being a better blessed benefactor; buying and selling showcased stocks - Sacred Spirtious Symbols and as a speculator. After which, positive produced profits; putting back a portion as Donation Dollars. Reciprocating returns to their Originator Investor - Inventor - Innovator ; COLOR KINGDOM NWCA.
NOTE: If you choose to use one of my Grand Genesis Genius Gifts of Gracious Gratitued: letterings-labels, sacred spiritual syllabic symbols; digital designs; good choice. Thus then therefore, through true trustworthy transparency, I expect that you make monetary dollar donations, to COLOR KINGDOM New World Creative Arts. How much money = ???
Happy Heartfelt Donation button located at the bottom of this Main Web site linking URL: http://www.colorkingdomnwca.com/color_kingdom_blogs-music_art.htm
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...SPREADSHIRT: My Degigned T-shirts.
Spread Shirt URL: http://cknwca.spreadshirt.com
WEEBLY: http://colorkingdomnwca.weebly.com/
ARTISTCHD1: http://www.youtube.com/user/ARTISTCHD1
Web site URL: http://artistchd.WebStarts.com.
WIX www.wix.com/charles4586/solar-sexus-soulfood
My Web site page 2
Christlikelyen + King of Kings,
http://www.last.fm/music/ArtistCHD/ChriystLikelyen+%252B+King+of+Kings ....
Name: Z-BLACKRAYZ Phantom Physics OriginatOrgOne1
URL: - http://blackraya1.wordpress.com .....
URL: http://amenraligion1.wordpress.com
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